:o( Im REALLY fed up now!!


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2007
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My turn to have a moan :x

I am really fed up girls, now 6 days over due will be a week over tomorrow and it just feels like it will never happen!!

I had a sweep on my due date, have tried everything to help baby along and nothing has worked, even my braxton hicks have seemed to ease off :( Just feels like this baby will never come, my hubby is really dying to meet baby too and is all uptight having to keep going into work each day we are all stressed!!! and dying to find out if we have a son or daughter as we didn't find out what sex baby was at the scans!

Things need to happen soon as my midwife unit will only take me up to day 11 over due then i will have to go to hospital which i really don't want... i WANT A WATER BIRTH!!!

I have another sweep booked for this friday so if it don't happen before then i hope that will push things along :pray: :pray: Last thing i want is not to be able to go to the midwife unit and have my water birth.

Have had dull period type pains on and off since my due date but nothing....Any ideas to help things along or just take my mind off it.... :think:

Thanks.... and sorry for the moan!! :hug:
Moan away lass, you're entitle to it.

I always wonder why women go over due and no sign of the LO budging, could it be due to you conceiving after you thought you had? If you know what I mean?

Or you think your LO is too comfy in there and is refusing to move until your LO says so :lol:
Thanks hun :hug:

Well i think the LO is just to comfy in there!! My dates from the scan dates was only 2 days out so i am over due even by the scan dates :think:

I guess i just have to wait until baby is ready to come and meet the world and not before :(

You think this is a sign to come that your LO will be stubbun lol

Hope something happens soon though, I want to see your bubby :lol:
:D Yes i do think baby will be a stubborn little thing, takes after Daddy :wink:

I want to see baby too more than anything too and find out if it is a he or a she.... :pray:
Try having a good old fashioned romp with hubby....... Sex releases hormones that help speed the process..... also there is a hormone in sperm that is the same as the one that starts labour........ not forgetting the orgasm...as that will cause some contractions and may well give your body that wee kick start your looking for........ :oops:

But if all that fails.... well you and hubby had some fun and passed so more time... :rotfl:

Good luck hope this helps, love Yvonne xx :hug: :pray:
Is this your first baby ??
Cos normally first ones are late... my 1st was 10 days late ( i had to be induced)-- I'm now waiting for my 4th to appear!

Just think how easy life is at the moment not having to worry about a sleeping/waking/crying/pooing/colicky/hungry baby.

Don't taek these precious last days for granted!!
Good luck,..... hope it all goes well!!
:pray: :pray: Hope something starts happening for you soon hun :hug:
Thanks everyone :hug: 1 week over today!! Still waiting... :pray:

fynemum - Yes we have tried that and everything else..baby is just too comfy in there :wall:

Dawnie010 not this is also number 4 i am waiting for, i was 14 days over with my 1st and induced, 4 days over with second, 11days over with 3rd and had a sweep so i guess i should be use to it!!
aww hunni, im not even over due and im fed up so i cant imagine what you feel like hunni

but just think like your baby will be here soon and everyday that goes is one closer :)

lets just hope things start moving for you quickly. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I'm really feeling for you Paula! I hope your lttle baby decides to cut you a break and come out asap! I'm expecting a surprise too so we will see what we both get hopefully within the next few days!
WHave you thought about trying to have one of those masages that are like a natural induction? Someone posted about it the other week.
Hi Paula,

I'm now joining you in the overdue club although only just.

Been getting mild period pains for a few days now but no other signs. I think they should give out due dates as 41 weeks, then less people would be impatient and disapointed.

Really ready for baby now, so want to meet him as it' my first!

Thanks everyone :hug: :D

Josephine_Beth I did think about having one of them massages but at £45 a shot i thought i would wait and spend that on baby once it is born as we are going to go out and buy lots of either pink or blue things :cheer:

KJ the way mine is going you will meet yours before me :lol: mind you i have had period type pains for well oer a week now :think:

Never know Jacky we may both go into labour the same day and find out :cheer:

Sweep tomorrow at 11.30am so fingers crossed that helps little one come out :pray: :pray: :pray:

Oh just thought i best drop Smurf a text as she is my text buddy but not seen her online since she had her baby and want to be able to update you all IF...WHEN it happens :shock:
I keep getting the image of Rachel in friends, when she was waiting to give birth, everyone would come and go and she was still there, not very far :lol:
try and keeep yourself distracted although its hard!.... im sure those contractions will start just when you are least expecting them! good luck hun x
Thanks everyone :hug: :D

Josephine_Beth I did think about having one of them massages but at £45 a shot i thought i would wait and spend that on baby once it is born as we are going to go out and buy lots of either pink or blue things :cheer:

KJ the way mine is going you will meet yours before me :lol: mind you i have had period type pains for well oer a week now :think:

Never know Jacky we may both go into labour the same day and find out :cheer:

Sweep tomorrow at 11.30am so fingers crossed that helps little one come out :pray: :pray: :pray:

Oh just thought i best drop Smurf a text as she is my text buddy but not seen her online since she had her baby and want to be able to update you all IF...WHEN it happens :shock:
I keep getting the image of Rachel in friends, when she was waiting to give birth, everyone would come and go and she was still there, not very far :lol:
try and keeep yourself distracted although its hard!.... im sure those contractions will start just when you are least expecting them! good luck hun x

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