

Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2011
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What is everyone putting in their nurserys furniture wise? We've recently moved into a new house and baby's bedroom is huge - we actually have a small box room that my mum seems to think would suit baby better, but the big one is already decorated lovely and i like the idea of having a big space to put all of his things in too. We will be getting a wardrobe and a cot (obviously) for the nursery, but i can't think what else we'll need and i think he might look a little lost in this big room with nothing in it! I know some people have changing tables but personally i don't really see the point in them. I was also thinking of some sort of chair/sofa bed for me to sit on with him to feed etc. Thoughts? xxx
Aww lucky chap to have so much room! What about a toy chest as he'll have lots of toys at some point? A nursing chair for you that you can then use to read stories on?
A nice rug on the floor will also fill the space? A changing table is a good thi g to have just for extra storage of bed sheets and duvets plus extra packs of nappies lotions and potions!! You'll be amazed at all the little things that need a draw for adds up!!

We are def getting a changing table as kneeling on the floor everytime would just do my back and knees no good!! X
I like the idea of extra storage but i think i'll be changing baby here, there and everywhere so probably wouldn't use the table for changing quite so much. I may get an extra chest of drawers and a nursing chair. The rug and toy box idea is fab too. I think some pictures on the wall will also make it cosier :) xxx
we are putting the baby in our box room for now, then move into the biger spare room in a few yrs. our spare room has tooo much in as we moved in oct so everything still in boxes.
I'm a nanny and it's amazing how much you fill a room with "stuff" lol!

Have a look on eBay at the poem wall art things! They are gorgeous and will take up a big space on the wall without being too much fuss
But also less is more so don't feel that the room has to be crammed with things!

Just wish we had that option. Our nursery is tiny! Prob enough room for a cot and changing table! We have got a 3rd bedroom but it's on a floor above and we have alot of friends and family that stay so they usually go up there out of tje way lol!

Our poor bubs is tuck with the box room!! Lol. Barely room to move now it has the cot bed, a tall boy and a toy chest in!! If I had room I'd add a nursing chair I think, and I'm scouting the sales for a nice (but small) rug at the moment. I'd definitely go for as much storage as possible, cause then the room can double as a play room when older. Those Ikea bookshelves that are lots of squares together work really well, as you could have baskets and stuff with nappies while he's still little, and replace them with brightly coloured plastic boxes full of toys as he gets older.
I'd defo stick with the bigger room. We had 2 rooms we could've chosen, 1 was the unused box room, the other OHs music room. I kicked him into the box room and he moaned like hell at the time, but thank god we did. Baby's need loads of room lol The furniture obviously takes up space then there is all the toys n that. Defo glad we went for the bigger room!
I have the same dilemma, I've ordered some furniture but also keep looking at catalogues/interior design websites etc for ideas :)
How lovely that your little one willhave such a lovely big room,
Im sure you will find things to fill it.
Onyl live in a one bed place so baby will be on with me until we move, cant wait to be able to do a babys room up x
We're the same, have chosen the bigger spare room which is a good size double rather than the box room. Main reason is that it's neutrally decorate so would only need painting and has already got a new carpet.

I have been thinking the same, we're going to get a wardrobe and cot and already have a chest of drawers. I'll also have a nursing chair and some storage for toys and general stuff! I figure that the room may seem a bit empty at first but in a year or so, baby will have had Christmas and birthday and will have loads more toys and things to fill the room with :) x x
Well we managed to find an absolute bargain cot-bed yesterday at Babys R Us....£200 reduced to £100 and since it's a cot bed, it will save us getting a bigger bed for a few years too. The cot i was originally looking at was £100 too and it was tiny so i'm v pleased to have found something bigger and better for the same price! Right that's one thing crossed off the for rugs, pictures, shelving, a chair....i could go on lol.

Thanks for all your lovely suggestions ladies :) xxx
Wow that's brilliant! I saw a fab deal in mothercare tje other day on a cot but I just know when we go to choose next week it would of gone xx

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