

Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2009
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Hey, ok i know it's a very controversial subject lol and theres no right or wrongs its personal opinion?? But how many of you are SAHM's and how many have your kids in nursery?

And are they in nursery/ with childminder/ family??

I'm only going back 1 day a week so I'll be basically a sahm but that's because I can't afford nursery! Lol
i know childcare is so expensive... im in two minds... but i wud be a wreck if i missed big things like first steps! :/ lol ive had it too good for a year i think xx
I am a sahm as with hubbys shifts it is impossible to fit the shifts I would have to do around him and as he has been in the job longer he gets paid more so he works.

I teach privately from home when hubby is here. I could put Oscar in nursery and work during school hours, but I honestly couldn't leave him. Pathetic I know lol!
It's hard when you've had so long off! I'm dreading going back to work even though it's only 1 day a week.
I had a split of 3 days with family (graces grandparents) and then 2 days in nursery. It actually was worth me working full time as I got a better job on a much higher salary when I went back to work. If I didn't have grandparents help then I would have only done 3 days a week I think. I am hoping to cut my hours now, I have worked full time since I came off mat leave when she was 8 months old. I am hoping now to go down to 3 days a week instead. Got a meeting with work on Tuesday! I would LOVE to be a SAHM though :)
I finish uni in 3 months and Im undecided. Paige goes to nursery 2 days a week at the moment and I hate it but it has to be done.

I think I might go back part time for the moment until shes a tad older, but like I say, Im still undecided.
awwww see im the same tbh one day a week tho ur still gonna be a SAHM .... :) i don't want to offend anyone but I don't wanna put her in nursery cos I don't like the thought of people who don't 'love' her or have her best interests at heart looking after her, I know she would probably be fine but she's not young enough to tell me so if i was to get her minded think I would have to get registered childminder although if she wasn't being properly looked after there lol there's no1 to tell on her cos it'd only be one woman....

you know what... i have LITERALLY JUST talked myself out of going back to work.... think ill just do some relief work for them when family can mind her lol xxx
I think Paiges nursery are feeding her the wrong formula as they change her outfit like 3 times a day because of sick and I dont even bother with a burp cloth at home because shes hardly ever sick. Im going in tomorrow to have a word with them :( I debated a child minder but I went to a child minder and really hated it, so Id be uber picky with who she went with. Im friends with the girl who looks after her at nursery and I used to work with her so I know (to a point) what shes likes with Paige which helps. Still angry about the formula things though.
I've got to go back full time, boo! Can't afford not to, would love to go part time, but I'm the main earner so it's not an option. My OH works 4on 4off so some weeks we will only need 1day childcare and some weeks 4days. My mum and MIL will be sharing looking after my LO, we will be paying them, but it will be cheaper than a nursery, and I feel happier than him going to a nursery. I don't think I could be a SAHM, I'd like to do 2 or 3days in work x
I'm a SAHM and loving it! :) My OH earns enough to pay our mortgage and our bills so I do the childcare. Jamie's very old fashioned so he's always said he'd rather I looked after Evelyn.
If she was my second and everything wasn't so 'new' I think i'd consider going back to work a lot earlier. If it gets to the time where she's at school then without a doubt i'd get a part time job but until then we're playing it by ear for now.
We r still discussing this hubby says I have to be full time as we get no ex tax credits if I am part time and childcare would take most of my wages, am not pushing going back to work with hub as I eally dont want to go back but finances wont permit me being off past alexs 6 month birthday and thats if I am lucky we have family to help out but only for one full day and 1/2 half days so trying to decide on nursery or childminder
We're thinking that when Linzie is older, we're actually going to reverse roles - I'm going to go to work, and Will is going to be a SAHD! :lol:
But we'll see how it pans out - and if I can bear to leave her! x
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I work full time (40 hrs/week.) I'd love to stay home, but dh makes about 1/2 what I do, so that won't be happening. We have to pay for childcare - and yes, it adds up! ds is in preschool (LOVES it) and dd will start preschool 3 days/week in the fall. Honestly, I know ds wouldn't be happy being home now, or even at age 4...he needs and CRAVES the interaction with other kids his own age.
Im undecided But i think i'll be SAHM i had my hours just before i got pregnant so was only working 15 hours so we aren't entitled to help with childcare so i'll be earning just to pay childcare! x
Ï'm a SAHM and so greatfull that I have the option to stay at home for now. Some days it would be nice to go to work and have an actually coffee/lunch break all on my own LOL. But most days I love being at home, specially when the weather starts getting warmer and we can spend most of the time outside. Also I have a few of my friends on maternity leave at the moment so it's lovely to meet up with them for lunch and long walks.
I'm planning on going back to work full time and Tomos will be at nursery or with a childminder. I'm considering part time possibly 3 or 4 days, but going to see how I get on with full time.

If we ever had another child though I'd be better off staying at home as the costs of childcare would be higher than my wage. xx
i've only just started thinking about this.....i hate leaving h - i've left him once and hes nearly 5 months old!! i hate the thought of missing out on big things and him being bought up by other people!! i'm going to have to think about what to do as oh works shifts and i got a feeling work wouldn't agree to part time work (because i was the most reliable one in our dept!) and my hours meant i would see h for about 2 hours a day and that really gets me down!!! I feel like i've only just started maternity leave and missed out on 3 months due to stupid broken ankle!!!! i wouldnt go back till august but need to speak to oh about this - i know mums offered to go help her out with her business but i would ideally like to work from home!!
Well my maternity money has officially stopped! I know that i wont be returning to work although i haven't told my boss yet. I don't want to leave Ethan yet whether it be in a nursery or a childminders for pretty much the same reasons Lisa said and my family all work full time but more importantly than that my job as a beauty therapist doesn't pay too well and i would be working to cover childcare costs ... i really don't see the point. x
lauren our situation sounds so similar, and i notice a lot of the girls have said they are the higher earners so maybe earning a lot more than we ever cud? so its understandable that we might be swayed more by the prospect of more money... but i worked out I would be about £30 a week better off if I return to work that's not including lunch or fuel so probably break even, i would also lose family time as i wud never get saturdays off :/

thanks everyone for replying! :) xx

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