
Well i was employed at my place so it worked out i would break even including travel and lunch etc. I definatley think that if i was the higher earner it would make sense to return to work but i would hate every second. And what you said about the Saturdays would be true for me too and if i went back at all even if it was for 1 day my boss would always want me on that day so she can get stuffed lol xx
SAME!! haha if i go back even part time its thurs fris and sats lol!!! no1 told us this at college eh!! haha x
Ive got to go back on Saturday's cos Tim's away mon-fri. It sucks, I hate Saturday's! If I was to work during the week, charley would have to go to nursery and whatever I earn would pay for that so there's no point me working!
I'm back at work already. I'm a hairdresser and have my own salon so had no choice!

TBH, I quite like going to work 2 days a week. Hubby has emily on a Saturday and MIL rest of the time x

I work at a nursery, so when my baby comes, he/she will be coming back to work with me. It felt really weird this week to get them registered on the waiting list for next january. That said, I wouldn't send my baby to another nursery, would rather be a SAHM than that, but the one I work at is just like having my extended family look after baby. (My real extended family are all too far away!)
Ive been pondering this since she was born,
Contacted our HR dept to help me work out my wages, if i work 24hrs a week i earn £30 a month less than i would workin 30hrs after increases in childcare costs and petrol & carparking, this month ive been paid what i would when i would be workin 24hrs a week n its pants n tbh ive spent all of it n only got paid on the 15th?!? I would really love to be a sahm but dont think we could afford it, specially as OHs jobs only contracted until sept with a view to extend, i think i will have to go bk full time until we know for certain,
My thoughts after goin to local nurseries & childminders are strongly childminders, i think she will get a bond with them better than a nursery n they seam (at the nurseries i viewed) to be mainly staffed by 16yr old girls from college who only knew how to look after kids from readin it in books?!
The in-laws want her 1day a week n hopefully if my mum stays stable after havin a stroke n bein diagnosed with ms, then she will have her a day a week too, so will only be in childcare 3days a week, but even only payin £3.50 per hour mounts up n i feel il be workin to pay her to watch my LO grow up, its sooooo pants :-(
I am going back to wkrk when mat pay finishes in June, but only for 2 days a week, my sister will have Alfie for me those days so it saves me paying for a nursery, I do pay her a little tho xx
The thought of putting him in nursery and going back to work makes me feel a bit sick!

I'm still undecided what to do and getting a bit of pressure from colleagues to come back to work (like now!). It's financially better for me on lousy SMP than working though as nursery is so expensive.

If I go back full time but finishing at 4:30 (otherwise it'd be 7pm before I could pick him up with traffic etc) I'll be left with about £45 per week. Minus travel and lunch this will be about £16 per week. What is the point? I can claw back £16 a week easily and stay at home with my boy.

Just need to convince OH it's not worth me going back full time. I can't even begin to comprehend how stressed and miserable I'm going to be...for £16 a week! Pfffft!!!
I'm going to be a SAHM as there are no options to go back part time in the military and to cover the odd hours I would have to work I would have to have a live in nanny so would defo be worse off and have someone else totally raising my chid. Will be staying at home as long as possible.
Im handing in 4 weeks notice at nursery on Monday and Im spending the summer at the least with Paige :) Then Im going to debate going part time for a while. I feel like Ive missed Paige growing up a little with having to go uni so it'd be nice to just spend some time together without the worry of work. I can't wait now!!!! :yay:
I'm a SAHM dunno how I could be anything else really, monty's at school full time so I take him there for 9am but dolly starts nursery in april so I will have take them both on a morning then go back to pick her up at 11.30am then back to pick monty up at 3pm, so dunno where I would fit a job in lol.
and if there where in childcare I know monty would hate going in the school holidays etc going to school all year then spending the six wks in childcare would be horrible.
We dont have loads of money but we get by pay morage bill's etc so I'm happy staying at home wile other half works.
My sister is pregnant at the min and plans on going back part time and me have the baby so that would be a few extra pennys xxx
I'm not planning on going back to work. I worked freelance anyway and am very lucky to have an OH who earns enough that I don't have to go back. I know I'm very lucky, and sometimes feel guilty that OH will have to be doing all the work when it will seem like I'm just at home having fun with the baby, but he understands. Cahal will be going to nursery when he's 2 or 3 though, so perhaps I'll think about taking on some work again then.
My sister goes back to work next month. She didn't realise you needed to reserve places at nursery. There are two possible places she can put her daughter that will be the easiest to drive to. One doesn't have places until April 2012 and the other September 2012! She is gutted.

Thinking if I leave it I can have this same excuse?!?
Im going back ! In Sept ! dreading it already and I know it will come round soooo soon. Hoping I can go back part time but have to work out finances, see if I can afford it. dont even want to think about it yet. x

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