Numb belly button..?


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2010
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I've noticed that over the last couple of days the area around my belly button feels sort of numb and also itchy. What's that about!?
OOOHHhhhhhh I had that!!! No idea how, must be the skin being stretched but the feeling does come back...eventually :)
yeah I had that too, and also put it down to stretching - megsmeadow is right, the feeling does come back!
me 3!!

mines soooooo sore kinda to the left about the size of a fist,

nothing i can do makes it any better or worse,

did it take long after giving birth to come back?

i guess stretching makes it go numb, arent enough capiliaries for the new surface area LOL but the numbness is what makes it itch.. sucks so bad! Nothing is helping mine at the moment and have to catch myself before i scratch at it and make it sore! trust me you feel it then LOL
I think mine is broken :/

Its just itchy n annoying
your poor belly button needs a holiday!
Me too! And also the bit between where my piercing was has gone all red. I want my college tummy back!!
I found this pic on facebook from when I first got my tattoo....will my belly ever look like this again???? Scuse the grotty dressing :)
The bit that my piercing was 'in' that has stretched out has almost gone black, I hope that gets hidden away after!


  • bex tattoo.jpg
    bex tattoo.jpg
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I had my belly button pierced, its alllll waaaaaay stretched out now, god knows how people manage to keep a barbell in it! its like 2 inches above what remains of my belly button now LOL
I took my piercing out at 16 weeks and can't imagine having kept it in - it's so stretched! I wonder if I'll get it back in after!
i can *just* get mine back in, i got a maternity 1, one of those bendy plastic thin ones, and its sore to jam in, but still does,lol

the bottom of mines about 2cms above where it should be, but my SILs went back in straight away after she had her LO,

so theres hope for the bars yet!!

I kept catching my maternity one on stuff and cos the skin is so stretched I was worried I might end up ripping it *eek*
eeekk, i only put mine in for a few mins at night, just to check it still fits, it horribly thin tho, which kinda scares me so thats why im not leaving it in, lol


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