Nuchal Translucency Scan


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2013
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Is anyone else having this done at twelve week scan? Also I have a 'Down syndrome screening' slip for bloods to be done. Does this round right?
Hi Sophie I decided to have this but have to go back for it as hadnt seen my midwife before last scan. I'm starting to have second thoughts now as I know I won't get the diagnostic tests if I come back high risk I don't know if it will be worth the worry. Xx
Yeah! They measure the pad of fat at the back of babies neck, and together with your blood results, it will give you a high or low risk screening. Anything that's less than 1:150 is high risk and anything more than 1:150 is low risk x
Thanks :) Midwife said a lady she supported years ago had the scan and the second lot done, came back very high risk, the lady got all prepared for a down syndrome baby but baby turned out to be fine. Midwife said being high risk is not always what it seems x
Do you need to have the tests for fish syndrome to see if you're high risk? We're not going to have the follow up if we are so if seems pointless
I would like to know, yes. Not having the other done as there is 1% miscarriage x
Were not having it done as we wouldn't give our child up cos of it. It doesn't scare us (even though we wouldn't chose a child with any disability) I have experience in the area and know we could give them a full and good life
I'm having the nuchal test and bloods done as I would like an indication. I've also decided if it comes back high risk then I will have one of the follow up tests too so I can make an informed choice.

My mum had an amniocentesis with me as she was nearly 40 at the time and all worked out ok so I have taken confidence from that.

Ultimately it's your choice, you'll know what you think you can and can't cope with and that will help make your decision. :smile:
I'm not having it done to be prepared and go through options, i'm having it done to be prepared of having a down syndrome baby if I am high risk. At first I said to midwife in the room it wouldn't matter to me, but my oh said she wanted it done so me have plenty of time to prepare and research down syndrome if that were the case.
See I've already spent 10years of my career Caring for people with downs (from childhood to end if life care) so I'm pretty knowledgable on the subject. If it came up high risk I know I would wonder about it until birth so I'd rather not have it
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I've never met down syndrome so would have no idea lol x
It's the length of dependency that I can't handle, I've also worked with people with Down's syndrome and they are lovely people one guy I worked with did a lot of acting jobs for the bbc, appeared in extras a few times.

Anyway each to their own. Hope everything goes well with your scans.
They checked the back of our little ones neck at the scan as some times there is a thickening at the back of the neck which can indicate downs syndrome. I also consented to them checking my blood. Myself and my husband agreed that no matter what the results came back as we wouldn't have any more tests. Ours came back as very low risk so we haven't had to worry about it. It is personal choice though x
I had it done but I was unsure but I had it done in the end. Mine came back low risk of 1:1900 but I still worry I do think it causes unessicary worry and wish I hadn't now even though it came back low risk which I'm pleased about x
I'm not having it done but I don't actually get offered it. If I want it I would have to get it done privately. I'm glad to be honest as its outcome wouldn't change anything for me but I would still be fretting over it if I had it done. Good luck to you ladies having it and hope you don't worry too much xxxx
Yeah I have opted to have that at my scan too. It worries me, I imagine it would be low risk and nothing to worry about but you never know and it's good to get a heads up isn't it? My friend has a downs syndrome brother; he's absolutely adorable, very cheeky and fun to be around, but also a lot tougher to look after as in he is VERY strong and if he feels like running away.. he will. constant doors locked and a lot of tantrums. but my friend wouldn't change him for the world, he's a happy soul and we all love him.
Gonna have the combined test so that we have an idea and are prepared. But having got this far I'm not prepared to risk amnio or cvs due to chance things can go bad, although low risk. X
I've had it done just recently - everything was fine with the measurement and am still waiting for the combined result to come back - however it's been over a week now and the midwife said I would get a phone call within a week if we were high risk, so I'm not worried - I just wanted to know as I think you can then be prepared. Also we then looked up the size of our babies measurement and then a high risk and it was well off, it also showed you 2 scan pics on one website and you could totally see the difference xx
Is anyone else having this done at twelve week scan? Also I have a 'Down syndrome screening' slip for bloods to be done. Does this round right?

I am having the blood test done, but not really sure why. The midwife says it just gives you a percentage but not guaranteed. Suppose it will give us time to prepare ourselves ....
I am having it done - being 37 the baby is at slightly higher risk, and I want to be able to make informed choices if I need to.

It scares me alot, but would defo want to know.


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