No dating scan


Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2005
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Hi, I have recently found out that my area offers only one scan at 20 weeks. I'm now a bit confused as I want to have a nuchal translucency scan and was reading that the first dating scan is important in order to establish the correct time to have the Nt scan. So, does this mean I have to pay for 2 scans privately? Anyone else had anything similar?
Thats awful, Im sure there is a very good reason for a scan at 12 weeks. I dont know what it is but I always assumed that 2 were available.
Good luck with finding out

That's terrible, which area are you in?

The nuchal scan has to take place between 11-14 weeks I believe so you could tie that in with your dating scan and just have to pay for one.

There are lots of private companies available that offer the nuchal fold scan.

I can't believe you haven't been offered a dating scan.

Some healthcare areas do not offer the 12 week scan, I was offered the scan at 12 and 20 weeks but my sister who lives in a different area to me had to pay privatley for her 12 weeks scan

I think it depends on the area, speak to your midwife she may be able to explain why

Sorry I could help

Thanks for your responses. I live in Andover, Hants. I am seeing mw on Thursday so will ask a few more q's then
Hi hedgehog,

I live in middle wallop so I take it that since your in andover your under the andover birthing centre and winchester hospital.

Like you I was dismayed about not being offered a 12 week dating scan.

but as I didn't want to have my baby at winchester hospital anyway, I told my midwife at my 8 week appointment that I wanted to have the baby at salisbury hospital ( i'd heard better things about it then at winchester), and was delighted to find out that they do a routine 12 week dating scan.

I still see the midwife at the local clinic and birthing centre, I just go to salisbury for all my hospital appointments.

so it might be worth talking to your midwife about your hospital choices.

hope this helps


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