Now having a December Baby !!!!


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2006
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Had midwifes appointment today. Everything was great and have deciced to have an elective caesarian. Because it will be Christmas week they are only doing them on the Friday 29th December so she has booked me in now. Having it on my birthday which will be a nice present. Just got to pray it doesnt come early now as they will do an emergency c section. My luck it will xmas day!!!

Cant believe it. Only 18 and a bit weeks to go. So excited. At least I wont go through the same as last time.

Hows everyone else???

Hannah XXX
How come your choosing to have an elective caesarean? Did you have a bad birth before?
u need to change ur ticker hannah :D

ur due 2 days before me so u shud be 21 weeks and 3 days :lol:
Awwww Congrats hun!!!!

I would feel weird knowing my babies birthday before the event......if that makes sense?!

My sister too is having a C-section and she has her date sometime in November!
Im having a caesarian because it went badly last time. Could of had it naturally but didnt want to risk having an emergency c section like before. I had a 30 hour labour and didnt get past 3 cms dilated. I had sytocin in the labour to speed it up but it just makes the contractions really intense. They said this time they tend not to use sytocin as your scar can rupture so it could be a longer labour. Took me ages to get over spinal before as I had two epidurals in labour and a spinal. If you have an elective you only have the one. I am so excited. I can plan it all this time and arrange childcare for my daughter!!!

Hannah XXX
Ah I see, yes I think your wise hun at least you know what your getting this time!! :hug:
Wish i could opt for a c-section, at least that way you know exactly when your LO is gonna arrive and can be 100% ready and prepared, well as much as we can be anyway!

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