November 2ww

I think it was probably just an indent line on my test, I couldn't see anything but the same line on this mornings and surely it would have been darker by now if it was something.

So fed up.
I don't think anyone knows what to say to me anymore. No good telling me to be patient or it will just happen because it clearly won't work. Feel so alone in this. Sucks so much.

I hope November works out for lots of you xx

I wouldn't wish this long ttc on anyone, I actually feel like everyday I wake up in hell, its just an endless loop of the same crap each cycle. It's never ending :(

I'm so sorry Millie. It's impossible to try to stay positive all the time in the face of such repeated heartache.

Huge hugs xxx
Millie, I also want to add that I've used precisely 160 of those ic tests now, the exact same ones. I've tested them with water and Dans urine. I've never seen an indent line or evap line on any of them. The only times I've had actual lines is when I have actually conceived. The line on your test the other day was definitely a line and definitely pink. So, you are either still pregnant but still too early for the hcg doubling to give a stronger line yet or it's been a failed implantation and the hcg hasn't entirely left your system yet. the old saying goes, you're not out until af arrives. That line was definitely a line xxx
Afternoon ladies!
Hope someone can give me some insight into this query.

I am currently 11dpo and today I checked my cervix and CM and to my surprise had cloudy ewcm! :shock:

It's slippery, stretchy and a cloudy, creamy colour, but this never happens to me during this time in my cycle!
I am due on for AF on Sunday 12th, but usually by now my cm is drying up and bitty, or non existent!
Has anyone else had this before leading to a BFP?
I took a test this morning, but nothing, so may still be too early.
I've been tracking my symptoms since 1dpo, and had a few things out of the ordinary, such as diarroreah on and off and occasionally a sweet smell from down there.
Also felt a bit queasy last night just before going to bed, then proceeded to have a dream about being violently sick! :-s

Advice please! I can only hope this is a good sign!

Baby dust to you all!! xx
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GG - I can't wait to see babies first pic!!!!

Hey P! Sounds promising, FX for you!

Thanks JR xxx :hugs:

Oh Millie...I wish that there was a magic TTC wand to wave around, but like you said, there's no amount of words that will take away the pain and resentment. I am really hoping that the line we saw is the real deal and that VERY SOON it will be confirmed.

I know it's important to stay positive but I think I might have O sooner than I thought. If I did O on Saturday then I would be 4dpo LP is 14 days but it feels like the :witch: is knocking at my front door.
I'm cramping
I have no CM (best classified as Dry and at the very most sticky)
I'm sliiiightly nauseous (always happens with every failed cycle)
The only thing that's a bit different is I'm getting what feels like hot flashes, but it's my thighs that get really hot and I get cold super easily.

I know it's still early but I've tested like 6 times already, the biggest bfn's the world has ever seen - apart from that one time my eyes deceived me into thinking I saw something....but alas it was my imagination. Lol

Goodluck ladies :dust:
GG - I can't wait to see babies first pic!!!!

Hey P! Sounds promising, FX for you!

Thanks JR xxx :hugs:

Oh Millie...I wish that there was a magic TTC wand to wave around, but like you said, there's no amount of words that will take away the pain and resentment. I am really hoping that the line we saw is the real deal and that VERY SOON it will be confirmed.

I know it's important to stay positive but I think I might have O sooner than I thought. If I did O on Saturday then I would be 4dpo LP is 14 days but it feels like the :witch: is knocking at my front door.
I'm cramping
I have no CM (best classified as Dry and at the very most sticky)
I'm sliiiightly nauseous (always happens with every failed cycle)
The only thing that's a bit different is I'm getting what feels like hot flashes, but it's my thighs that get really hot and I get cold super easily.

I know it's still early but I've tested like 6 times already, the biggest bfn's the world has ever seen - apart from that one time my eyes deceived me into thinking I saw something....but alas it was my imagination. Lol

Goodluck ladies :dust:

Good luck xxx
I'm cramping, on and off nauseous and at times dizzy. It feels like menstrual cramps but I've never had them this early (I think Im 4/5 dpo) and never as painful as now. It's not constantly painful but sometimes it feels like my uterus is about to drop out of my vagina. Looks like AF is going to be rough this cycle.
I think it was probably just an indent line on my test, I couldn't see anything but the same line on this mornings and surely it would have been darker by now if it was something.

So fed up.
I don't think anyone knows what to say to me anymore. No good telling me to be patient or it will just happen because it clearly won't work. Feel so alone in this. Sucks so much.

I hope November works out for lots of you xx

I wouldn't wish this long ttc on anyone, I actually feel like everyday I wake up in hell, its just an endless loop of the same crap each cycle. It's never ending :(

Don't loose hope may just need a few more days for a darker line. Your last paragraph sums up 100% how I feel e ery day. It's like ground hog day....same circle of events repeated month after month. I am so drained....I always worry if what if it never happens ...even with ivf....I guess we have to just hope it doesn't come to that
I'm cramping, on and off nauseous and at times dizzy. It feels like menstrual cramps but I've never had them this early (I think Im 4/5 dpo) and never as painful as now. It's not constantly painful but sometimes it feels like my uterus is about to drop out of my vagina. Looks like AF is going to be rough this cycle.
Fx it's more than just af symptoms xxx

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I think it was probably just an indent line on my test, I couldn't see anything but the same line on this mornings and surely it would have been darker by now if it was something.

So fed up.
I don't think anyone knows what to say to me anymore. No good telling me to be patient or it will just happen because it clearly won't work. Feel so alone in this. Sucks so much.

I hope November works out for lots of you xx

I wouldn't wish this long ttc on anyone, I actually feel like everyday I wake up in hell, its just an endless loop of the same crap each cycle. It's never ending :(
Hugs millie :( I'm so sorry you are feeling so heartbroken and trapped in this endless journey and I really really hope that your indent line becomes a real line. Fx for u xx

Sent from my G8141 using Tapatalk
Been having a bit more cm this cycle, I'm usually dryer than the sahara desert after ovulation so maaayyyybe it's a good sign. I'm thinking that my cycles are finally normal after BC and that my body should respond with a pregnancy within in the next year. I've been an emotional mess the last few days, hallo PMS lol anyway. Some constipation and slight headaches too. My breasts don't really feel different... Cramping has gotten less too. Been very slightly nauseous on and off but not reading anything into it. I'm just so cautious in getting my hopes up, last time I was crushed for doing so. Hehhe TTC is fun they said...
Been having a bit more cm this cycle, I'm usually dryer than the sahara desert after ovulation so maaayyyybe it's a good sign. I'm thinking that my cycles are finally normal after BC and that my body should respond with a pregnancy within in the next year. I've been an emotional mess the last few days, hallo PMS lol anyway. Some constipation and slight headaches too. My breasts don't really feel different... Cramping has gotten less too. Been very slightly nauseous on and off but not reading anything into it. I'm just so cautious in getting my hopes up, last time I was crushed for doing so. Hehhe TTC is fun they said...

I always have loads of cm post ovulation then it only dries up 2 ir 3 days before af. I have had headaches every day this cycle...hoping it means something? I was hoping for bfp before I hit tne 1 year mark in Jan but as it is so close to Jan now ...what will be will be !I am
Gonna dtd one more time later for luck then I guess I'm officially in the 2ww. Trying to keep my chin up. Will call docs tomorrow to arrange repeat bloods as should be able to get progesterone done on Friday. Hopefully will be enough to keep me going.
Gonna dtd one more time later for luck then I guess I'm officially in the 2ww. Trying to keep my chin up. Will call docs tomorrow to arrange repeat bloods as should be able to get progesterone done on Friday. Hopefully will be enough to keep me going.

Snap...tonight then am in tww with you. What do you reckon is longest time egg would be there after 1st pos opk? We never try much more than 2 or 3 days after a pos opk test but part of me worries thats why we miss egg but who knows?
Gonna dtd one more time later for luck then I guess I'm officially in the 2ww. Trying to keep my chin up. Will call docs tomorrow to arrange repeat bloods as should be able to get progesterone done on Friday. Hopefully will be enough to keep me going.

Snap...tonight then am in tww with you. What do you reckon is longest time egg would be there after 1st pos opk? We never try much more than 2 or 3 days after a pos opk test but part of me worries thats why we miss egg but who knows?

Technically you can ovulate up to 72 hours after a pos opk even though it's normally 12-24 hours. So...with the egg viable for 24 hours after ovulation, theoretically, you could dtd for 4 days after a pos opk. It would be a real miracle though.

So wishing you all the best of luck. Xxx
Well girls i got my pos opk yday afternoon so I think tomorrow I am going to be 1dpo? Is that right... Officially into my tww! Here's my November calandar.. The hearts are when weve :bd: do you think we're covered?


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So I'm officially counting today as 1dpo.
Just doing an opk to check. But Iv now got creamy cm again so I think iv done all I can.
Let the madness commence!
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In the 2nd week of the tww and starting to drive myself a little crazy symptom spotting! I cried this morning because I decided this month isn't going to be our month then by the afternoon feeling hopeful that it could be! Af is due at the weekend... This is going to be a long week!
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In the 2nd week of the tww and starting to drive myself a little crazy symptom spotting! I cried this morning because I decided this month isn't going to be our month then by the afternoon feeling hopeful that it could be! Af is due at the weekend... This is going to be a long week!

I so feel you! AF is expected Sat on my side. I'm seeing lines that aren't there lol I even showed DH "how to squint" - he officially thinks I'm crazy. Even shared a pic with me that said, "Back off! I've got a crazy wife and I'm not afraid to use her!" :shock:

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