November 2ww

Thanks xx
Yeah I'm thinking ovulation is either today or happened late last night based on the cramps
We should be covered, dtd cd6, 7, 9, 10 and 11
I think maybe dtd tonight then go back to every other night

I can't take another cycle so I hope this is it!! :(
Aw :(
They stress me out if they don't seem to be going positive
But the first one I did this cycle on cd10 was positive but did one cd11 and then today just to make sure
I'm not going to be doing anymore opks :)
I think I'm 10dpo going off when I had the pains. Much earlier ovulation than usual for me it's usually day 20 not day 14! I kinda dismissed them at the time thinking it was way too early and then I never had a positive opk or ovulation pains on cd20. I feel it everytime and it feels exactly like what I had cd14 this month xx
I think I'm 10dpo going off when I had the pains. Much earlier ovulation than usual for me it's usually day 20 not day 14! I kinda dismissed them at the time thinking it was way too early and then I never had a positive opk or ovulation pains on cd20. I feel it everytime and it feels exactly like what I had cd14 this month xx

not too long of 2ww wait left then? :D
how is your hubby doing with the antibiotics? xx
Been a bit of a screwy cycle as I had red spotting tol a few days ago too..dont think it's Ib as no symptoms at all plus the sperm thing lol.

Hes doing ok..there has been a few days he has forgotten one or both antibiotics but I can't really talk as I got given a 5 day course for an ear infection and it's taken me nearly 7 days to finish as I kept forgetting doses lol. He has been pretty good with all the vitamins. Hoping it helps. How are the antibiotics going for you xxx

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Yeah they can be sooooo easy to forget! It's good he's keeping going with the vitamins.

It's going good for us.
I wrote the 25 days over the prescription bag and which ones to take on which day and just tick it off after we take it.
Probably going to feel weird after we've finished, it's pretty much routine now!
It's day 15 of taking them now so 10 more days after today!!
After that I'm going to be panicking that I'll get thrush..
oooh 10 more days! not too long :) vet youl be so glad to finish them! Maybe get some acidophilus probiotics if worried about thrush?.I think the natural yogurt you said you've had a lot of should be enough though :) xxx

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feel so lucky to not have any symptoms with them! the list of possible ones is soooooo long!
but we've both felt fine really

yes, I'm hoping the Yakult and yogurt is enough!
still have it everyday for breakfast! my fave is on offer at tescos atm so even better :D xx
That's good :) I don't think OH has noticed symptoms either. I got given a 2 week course after a tick bite in the summer and felt awful with them lol!

Yeah should defo help keep thrush away x

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Well ive finally stopped bleeding from my 'inbetween' type period. Which lasted 4 days! My ovia app is all over the shop but I think my opk's are getting a bit better. I'm hoping my ovulation day is Thursday. It's a full moon this weekend though so it could be then :)
I am hoping and praying that I'll have a positive and can enter the tww
Fastnet, that must be really confusing, hope it's not long till 2ww for you.

I've just had a few tiny spots of red blood, since I think I ovulated last night or today so I guess it's related to that?
I've had the same thing around ovulation at least once before
I hate noticing all these silly little things!
Fastnet, that must be really confusing, hope it's not long till 2ww for you.

I've just had a few tiny spots of red blood, since I think I ovulated last night or today so I guess it's related to that?
I've had the same thing around ovulation at least once before
I hate noticing all these silly little things!

I know! I have never had this before. I did go to the doctors about it but he was as helpful as a chocolate teapot! Im having my bloods done this month so hopefully ill have some idea about whats happening with my body as i sure as hell havent a clue!!
I think that's real positive about the spotting especially if it's around ovulation?
Good luck :dust: to you x
Oh no that's rubbish :(
Gps should take it more seriously really!
If it happens again push for more answers
Are the bloods to check for ovulation?

I hope it's a good sign but it probably doesn't mean a thing!
Ready to start counting through the 2ww tomorrow :D xx
Yes to check for ovulation and oh is having his swimmers checked too. Eeek.
Good luck!
I found it really hard to get the dates of that blood test right the first time, second and third were fine though.
Guess today is 1dpo! Sooooo.. hello 2ww, I hate you lol.
Still have achey boobs..
Had some crazy dreams and woke up super early for me.
I know it's too early for anything but I feel like my body is teasing me already! Ugh!
Good luck!
I found it really hard to get the dates of that blood test right the first time, second and third were fine though.

Thanks Millie. I had the bloods booked before i had this inbetween bleeding. I dont think its going to be very accurate now is it? Ill try ring the doctor today to see if i can get any advice.......trouble is it's easier making an appointment with God!

Hope your 2ww goes quick x
Hmm yeah that might mess things up :(
I had bloods last month and did opks to find out when to book the test, it worked out I got the right date but as you say it's a pain just trying to get an appointment. The receptionist didn't understand it needed to be done on a certain cycle day, took a lot of trying to convince her!!

Thanks I hope so, I'm back at my ivf clinic a couple of days after af is due so if it doesn't work out this cycle I've got that to look forward to xx
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Hiya girls please can I join your November 2ww?
Im only cd4 today (last 3 cycles been 28,28.29 days, but can go up to 33) and it's my first month back ttc after 6 yrs. (ignore my ticker my little girl is 6 in 2 weeks)
Iv had no contraception for those 6 yrs so I'm not expecting this to be an easy journey.
Iv also just had cells removed from my cervix so I may not even get into a tww this month if the bleeding doesn't stop in time but I'm still going to use opks and get the hang of those again!
My fertile days from my app (which could be completely off wak) are going to be... 6th to the 12th Nov. Cd 10-16.
I'll start using opks cd 10 I think.
Hiya girls please can I join your November 2ww?
Im only cd4 today (last 3 cycles been 28,28.29 days, but can go up to 33) and it's my first month back ttc after 6 yrs. (ignore my ticker my little girl is 6 in 2 weeks)
Iv had no contraception for those 6 yrs so I'm not expecting this to be an easy journey.
Iv also just had cells removed from my cervix so I may not even get into a tww this month if the bleeding doesn't stop in time but I'm still going to use opks and get the hang of those again!
My fertile days from my app (which could be completely off wak) are going to be... 6th to the 12th Nov. Cd 10-16.
I'll start using opks cd 10 I think.

Was that lletz you had? I hope the bleeding settles down soon.
Hopefully you've just been missing the right time to dtd fingers crossed you catch it with opks xx

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