November 2ww

Oh Linx... :hugs: I hate that feeling, testing 10dpo and getting a stark bfn. You just know it's over and yet you hold on to the hope that it miiiight just be a tad bit too soon...I promised myself that this cycle I'm not going to test until AF is well and truly late. I'm so tired of seeing bfn's.

Alexis...I wish I had must be feeling so numb by now. I pray the break will be the month you get your bfp, and if not, I still hold the hope that it will help you and DH to give TTC another go, a fresh start of sorts. My heart goes out to you :hugs:

Lol, Moomingirl, my husband and I look like druggies. We're on all three Fertilaids and Fertipil for him and her and I take Angus Castus, folic acid and aspirin. (I alternate of course between them else I'd puke) FX :dust: for you hun xxx

Thanks Kat. My boobs are so sore I squealed early when the side of my arm squashed against it....unreal! I have no idea why my body can't make a baby. I am just broken

Alexis, I often feel like I could have written your posts myself. I've reached a point where I just feel like our bodies aren't cut out for this. I don't care any more whether it's me or him or a combined effort. Either way we're broken. I think I'm all cried out this week though. Now I just feel kinda empty. Ask me again at the weekend when the witch arrives though. I'm sure I'll be in a state again. Hope you're as ok as you can be.

I think am over the crying. It's like a blank space now. I just want the hsg test now so we can move on to next step. I said this at the beginning and Im saýing it now I always had a feeling from as young as I can remember knowing about the birds and the bees that I wouldn't be able to have a baby. I feel like I have always known this. It doesn't make it any easier.

I hate going to work mon/tue as a girl I work with who is 4 months preggers works then and it is like rubbing salt in my wound for 48 hours a week. When she has her baby no one else in work is keen for another baby barr 1 girl who is on mat leave with a prem baby and she said it be 2 or 3 years for 2nd really it should be me next but they all think I won't cos I am older with no kids. A patient in his 30's asked me yesterday if i was going to have kids and Im like yeah hopefully....then be said its best thing you will ever do
I then felt like that blank space again's a weird feeling lìke your head is on fire but it's invisible...I duno I can't even explain how it feels anymore

I always think I'm over the crying. Then I have another meltdown. Then I'm over it again. Like I thought I was in a pretty good place last Sunday then I found out our fertility referral had been cancelled. Then I was completely hysterical. I did calm down then spent what feels like half the week chasing and organising the stuff that should have been done in the first place. I really haven't got the energy. I just need something in the near future to focus on so that I feel like we're moving forward. It's the only way I know how to cope. Cancelling appointments and not even telling me doesn't really help with that (I had to call and ask why I hadn't received confirmation :wall2:).

Most of my colleagues have completed their families and I seem to have done a good job of convincing people that we're not ready yet :roll: It avoids awkward questions. I know what you mean when the topic is unavoidable though. I just feel out of place and kinda odd. Like you say difficult to explain.
Well another Stark white bfn this morning. 12dpo. I knew it would be though.
I still feel really crampy at one specific point right in my groin. I got up last night n it felt like I'd pulled it.
I'm so hot today and soooo thirsty so I think I'm getting poorly!
Af just around the corner too so I'm in for one hell of a week!
Just popping over! How is everyone? Alexis I've been following your journey since I joined here and my heart really does feel for you.

How are you today? I hope AF hasn't shown for you. (don't want to give false hope but I didn't get a BFP until 3 days after AF was late) xx
Hope everyone is doing well and fx for u Alexis xx Im still awaiting af...

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2dpo now lol and falt a bit of nausea over lunch hahaha let myself wonder for a second but ive been nauseas earlier in the week since i had my high dose vitamim d tablet so is quite clearly that haha. It drives you crazy doesnt it! xxx
Just popping over! How is everyone? Alexis I've been following your journey since I joined here and my heart really does feel for you.

How are you today? I hope AF hasn't shown for you. (don't want to give false hope but I didn't get a BFP until 3 days after AF was late) xx

No af yet but feeling poorly...cold has progressed mega sore throught...temp and bit shivery loads of weird pains down below...just checking every time i go to toilet...due af tmrw. I feel a bit dizzy and very dehydrated...lips dry throat dry ...bleugh! Im like 12dpo ir something...first pos opk was 2 weeks tmrw.
I'm so dry too, always thirsty and my mouths dry. Bfn 12dpo on frer. So Im out.
But my boobs hurt, still got the pulling feeling in my left side and I'm roasting hot!
Af is being a proper :witch: this cycle
I'm 12dpo and keep getting dry mouth too, especially at night. Temp skyrocketed today but assuming it's a weird fluke. Not tested yet.

Alexis, hope he cold clears up sounds rough.
Waiting to see if you test again Alexis xxx
Im 5dpo had a pain on and off all day like at the back of my cervix. Sore nipples boobs again. Something is going on. Xxx
Ah drat got home to wiping some brown dc. How depressing. If I don't feel ill enough. Oh well on to Jan 2018 and 1 yeat of ttc. Don't think I will be celebrating at new year....happy new year....not!
Alexis I am so so sorry hunny! Lots of love and baby dust for 2018!
Oh alexis i hope this isnt af early for there a small chance it could be IB if youre not due till sunday? x
Well af due today. Watery cm and a bit if blood stained cm round cervix so it's coming!
Only 13dpo today so I'm expecting it tomorrow. Making this cycle 29 days.
Last 2 months have been 27, before that 28,29,28,31. So I'm going to have to keep doing opks to see when I do ovulate.
I'm officially out. Spotting today so the :witch: will be here properly later today or tomorrow!
Aww sorry linxminx, rubbish month for everyone. Weird.
Im 8dpo now so the testing is getting more promising xxx
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Sorry certainly has bern a dissapointing month!

Good luck TTs....8dpo....very promising! almost sounds plausible to start testing now haha!
Tt I started at 6dpo that actually turned out to be 5 dpo lol
November is maybe a month for births for me not bfps lol
Good luck tt I'm praying for a sticky x

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