November 2ww

3 days before af I think maybe 4 or 5. My tracker isn't too accurate and I haven't yet seen how long my lp is. (first month back tracking ov) and I only use opks atm so no definite day of ov. So today should be 10dpo.
Boobs feel heavy and a bit hot this morning. Mind you I feel hot all over, maybe I'm getting poorly. I feel really thirsty and sick too.
I had a really raunchy vivid dream last night and woke up rather... Well no need to explain the rest :roll: :blush:
I'm off on my travels this morning to find a frer because if anything going to work it's that. And if I get another negative (been using ics) then I know it's my period making me feel funny.

It feels like I need to take my socks off and wear my flip flops because my feet are so hot... This happened in my last pregnancy and they were born in winter... My poor feet!
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10dpo.Fmu. Bfn on frer. I'm gutted! :cry:


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Thank you :) me too. My husband has done the sperm improvement programme that the clinic in Athens sent us so hoping his sperm is better now. We have the clinicnon Monday and they are gonna do his repeat sperm test and also my scan xx

I hope you don't mind me asking but what was involved in the sperm improvement programme? Would love to know if it helps your hubby. My OH has just done another sample (motility has been an issue in the past) as we needed a up to date one for the new referral. Something tells me that his sample last time may have been a fluke :( We will see. Should get results in 2 weeks.
I filled in the questionnaire on the ivf serum page and they recommended it. They sent me a prescription in the post for 40 days antibiotics for him and then they have to take high dose vitamin C as well and also vitamin E. I hope it has helped! Repeat on Monday so should find out soon. He has also started vitamin D for low vitamin D and I have noticed he has a lot more energy and better mood etc so fingers crossed motility is better!good luck for your OHs results xx
Meh did a wee 1 step hcg test and It's stark white at cd#26 and around 11dpo. Oh well guess af will show up this week as per usual.

Sorry Alexis. I think I'll likely be joining you. I realised the other day that the witch arriving on time is about the most punctual thing about me :roll:
Sorry girls. Life can sometimes be cruel. I hope you get some answers soon alexis. Moomingirl...i hope next month is luck for you....and everyone else ttc x
I filled in the questionnaire on the ivf serum page and they recommended it. They sent me a prescription in the post for 40 days antibiotics for him and then they have to take high dose vitamin C as well and also vitamin E. I hope it has helped! Repeat on Monday so should find out soon. He has also started vitamin D for low vitamin D and I have noticed he has a lot more energy and better mood etc so fingers crossed motility is better!good luck for your OHs results xx

Thanks for that. Fingers crossed it has helped. We take the Tesco his and hers but planning to try CoQ10 this cycle as I hear that's good for motility and egg quality.
Oh Linx... :hugs: I hate that feeling, testing 10dpo and getting a stark bfn. You just know it's over and yet you hold on to the hope that it miiiight just be a tad bit too soon...I promised myself that this cycle I'm not going to test until AF is well and truly late. I'm so tired of seeing bfn's.

Alexis...I wish I had must be feeling so numb by now. I pray the break will be the month you get your bfp, and if not, I still hold the hope that it will help you and DH to give TTC another go, a fresh start of sorts. My heart goes out to you :hugs:

Lol, Moomingirl, my husband and I look like druggies. We're on all three Fertilaids and Fertipil for him and her and I take Angus Castus, folic acid and aspirin. (I alternate of course between them else I'd puke) FX :dust: for you hun xxx
Yeah I'm so sick of it. I'm still going to use my last test tomorrow lmfao. My boobs are swollen now so af is going to be a bad one this month!
Oh Linx... :hugs: I hate that feeling, testing 10dpo and getting a stark bfn. You just know it's over and yet you hold on to the hope that it miiiight just be a tad bit too soon...I promised myself that this cycle I'm not going to test until AF is well and truly late. I'm so tired of seeing bfn's.

Alexis...I wish I had must be feeling so numb by now. I pray the break will be the month you get your bfp, and if not, I still hold the hope that it will help you and DH to give TTC another go, a fresh start of sorts. My heart goes out to you :hugs:

Lol, Moomingirl, my husband and I look like druggies. We're on all three Fertilaids and Fertipil for him and her and I take Angus Castus, folic acid and aspirin. (I alternate of course between them else I'd puke) FX :dust: for you hun xxx

Thanks Kat. My boobs are so sore I squealed early when the side of my arm squashed against it....unreal! I have no idea why my body can't make a baby. I am just broken
I'm sorry Alexis! Your boobs being that sore though is a great sign and the witch hasn't shown her face yet so hopefully it's just a wee bit early still for a positive! I'm still keeping my FX for you! :hugs:
Oh Linx... :hugs: I hate that feeling, testing 10dpo and getting a stark bfn. You just know it's over and yet you hold on to the hope that it miiiight just be a tad bit too soon...I promised myself that this cycle I'm not going to test until AF is well and truly late. I'm so tired of seeing bfn's.

Alexis...I wish I had must be feeling so numb by now. I pray the break will be the month you get your bfp, and if not, I still hold the hope that it will help you and DH to give TTC another go, a fresh start of sorts. My heart goes out to you :hugs:

Lol, Moomingirl, my husband and I look like druggies. We're on all three Fertilaids and Fertipil for him and her and I take Angus Castus, folic acid and aspirin. (I alternate of course between them else I'd puke) FX :dust: for you hun xxx

Haha made me smile when you said druggies. I count myself lucky that my OH is willing to take what I put down in front of him. I know a lot of men typically aren't very cooperative. He would say whatever it takes to keep me quiet haha!! I think it helps make me feel like I'm doing something even though I really don't see it happening any more. There's just that shred of hope I keep hanging on to.
Oh Linx... :hugs: I hate that feeling, testing 10dpo and getting a stark bfn. You just know it's over and yet you hold on to the hope that it miiiight just be a tad bit too soon...I promised myself that this cycle I'm not going to test until AF is well and truly late. I'm so tired of seeing bfn's.

Alexis...I wish I had must be feeling so numb by now. I pray the break will be the month you get your bfp, and if not, I still hold the hope that it will help you and DH to give TTC another go, a fresh start of sorts. My heart goes out to you :hugs:

Lol, Moomingirl, my husband and I look like druggies. We're on all three Fertilaids and Fertipil for him and her and I take Angus Castus, folic acid and aspirin. (I alternate of course between them else I'd puke) FX :dust: for you hun xxx

Thanks Kat. My boobs are so sore I squealed early when the side of my arm squashed against it....unreal! I have no idea why my body can't make a baby. I am just broken

Alexis, I often feel like I could have written your posts myself. I've reached a point where I just feel like our bodies aren't cut out for this. I don't care any more whether it's me or him or a combined effort. Either way we're broken. I think I'm all cried out this week though. Now I just feel kinda empty. Ask me again at the weekend when the witch arrives though. I'm sure I'll be in a state again. Hope you're as ok as you can be.
Oh Linx... :hugs: I hate that feeling, testing 10dpo and getting a stark bfn. You just know it's over and yet you hold on to the hope that it miiiight just be a tad bit too soon...I promised myself that this cycle I'm not going to test until AF is well and truly late. I'm so tired of seeing bfn's.

Alexis...I wish I had must be feeling so numb by now. I pray the break will be the month you get your bfp, and if not, I still hold the hope that it will help you and DH to give TTC another go, a fresh start of sorts. My heart goes out to you :hugs:

Lol, Moomingirl, my husband and I look like druggies. We're on all three Fertilaids and Fertipil for him and her and I take Angus Castus, folic acid and aspirin. (I alternate of course between them else I'd puke) FX :dust: for you hun xxx

Thanks Kat. My boobs are so sore I squealed early when the side of my arm squashed against it....unreal! I have no idea why my body can't make a baby. I am just broken

Alexis, I often feel like I could have written your posts myself. I've reached a point where I just feel like our bodies aren't cut out for this. I don't care any more whether it's me or him or a combined effort. Either way we're broken. I think I'm all cried out this week though. Now I just feel kinda empty. Ask me again at the weekend when the witch arrives though. I'm sure I'll be in a state again. Hope you're as ok as you can be.

I think am over the crying. It's like a blank space now. I just want the hsg test now so we can move on to next step. I said this at the beginning and Im saýing it now I always had a feeling from as young as I can remember knowing about the birds and the bees that I wouldn't be able to have a baby. I feel like I have always known this. It doesn't make it any easier.

I hate going to work mon/tue as a girl I work with who is 4 months preggers works then and it is like rubbing salt in my wound for 48 hours a week. When she has her baby no one else in work is keen for another baby barr 1 girl who is on mat leave with a prem baby and she said it be 2 or 3 years for 2nd really it should be me next but they all think I won't cos I am older with no kids. A patient in his 30's asked me yesterday if i was going to have kids and Im like yeah hopefully....then be said its best thing you will ever do
I then felt like that blank space again's a weird feeling lìke your head is on fire but it's invisible...I duno I can't even explain how it feels anymore
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