Not the way i intended to spend my first day in tri 3 but Hello all :)


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2010
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Hey all.

I have reached the third tri yey. Altho havent had the best of days.
I had to go into hospital today as i hadnt felt baby move since yesterday mornin, i rang my gp and they said i had t get in touch with pregnancy assessment unit straight away which i did and the midwife on the phone said i had to go through to hospital there and then, i was at work so had to explain to work what was going on and then just dash. To cut a long story short i was put on a monitor for an hour and given some really cold water to see if that would get him movin, about 15 mins into it i felt a little movement so i was so pleased. Heartbeat and movements were all printed out and midwife was happy enough to let me go home. yey :).
Most of the way through the monitoring baby had the hiccups which were very loud on the monitor, it was so cute and me and OH just cudnt stop laughing lol.

Hope everyone is well

Amy xx
Welcome to Tri 3 :wave:

Glad to hear everything is ok with your LO :)
Hiya and welcome :wave:
Sorry you've had such an ordeal today, but glad to hear that it's all turned out well :hug: x
Welcome to tri 3 :wave:
What a start to it tho! Glad all is well with LO.... fx everything goes smoothly now until uv LO in ur arms xxx
welcome to tri 3!! i went to the hospital for the same reason the other day and the same thing happened with me but no hiccups lol.

Glad to hear everything is ok... And welcome!!!! :)
Thanks ladies.

Its so exciting he he xx
Blimey, what a horrible intro to tri3. Glad all is ok and enjoy the rest of tri3 :-) xxx
glad everything is okay hun and welcome to tri 3 :wave:
My lo loves getting hiccups especially when being monitored lol!
congrats on tri3 !!! glad lo is ok seems to b a trend of lo having hiccups !!mine gets them everyday xxx

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