not taking his bottles


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2006
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Mark is 7 nearly 8 months and has started waking twice during the night for a feed. He used to sleep all night but since he has gone onto solids he has been refusing milk during the day but demanding loads during the night. DH gets up loads as im getting so tired (being pregnant) But im obviously still waking up when i hear my little angel crying. Also for the last month mark has had a cough which is disturbing him. The doc thinks he has allergies or could be developing asthma. Sleep deprovation is a form of torture in some countries........... :rotfl: just need a couple of good night sleeps a week . PLEASE HELP
Is he drinking anything else during the day? Could he possibly be thirsty?

Do you do a dreamfeed? Brody went right off milk for a while but would still take almost a full bottle as a dreamfeed.
Urchin said:
Is he drinking anything else during the day? Could he possibly be thirsty?

Farls Alfie was refusing his bottle a couple weeks ago and waking in the night i forgot that because he was on solids he might be thirsty, he goes through a 7 oz bbottle of water a day nw and is much happier ... well hes taking his milk better i wouldnt say happier, maybe try a bit more water and if Mark isnt keen on water try juice some days Alfie isnt too fond of water and prefers some juice
I don't know what to suggest but it sounds just like Ellie. As of last Thursday she has completely refused her 10:30 milk feed both from the bottle and from the breast. She has also dropped the 6pm cluster feed but she is still waking at least once a night and drinking loads. In fact during the night is the only time she drains both breasts. As of yesterday I have started giving her expressed milk in a beaker as well as a water beaker along with her solid meals, as I was wondering if she was drinking too much water (she often has half a beaker of water with a meal) so she wasn't drinking enough milk. It didn't make any difference last night though. We only occasionally get 12hours through at night now, the last time was the night before she decided she dropped the morning feed.
Alfiesmummy - your post wasn't there when I clicked reply. Ellie drinks upto half a beaker of water 4 times a day with her solid food. Could I have it the wrong way around and she actually needs more than that? I was worried that she was drinking too much water which didn't provide any calories?
Mark usually has juice or water with his meals but i dont know if what he actually drinks is enough as a lot of it goes down his front, although he loves using his cup. i was thinking of putting milk in his cup to see if he prefers it like that. Am also giving him a faster flow teat incase he is struggling to get enough milk and just gives up. Have tried a dream feed but he is not always wanting it. he usually starts his cluster feeding around midnight which is a right pain!! im so tired im usually in bed by 10 so luckily i get a couple of hours before he is wanting milk. All i want is 1 or 2 good nights a week. Not expecting full nights all the time.

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