Not sure whats happening


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2012
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Hi, I am really confused and worried sick playing the waiting game right now.

I had a chemical pregnancy in april, got a positive but a few days later started to bleed (12th april)

I wasnt sure if cycle would return to normal that month but we bd the week of my expected ovulation which was between the 26th and 30th of april.

After a 2ww I didnt get a positive but 4 days later on the 17th I got a faint positive result which has since got stronger.

I calculated pregnancy based on date of last period which I assume is the 12th april. So I should be 8weeks.

Went to scan last night and they could only see sac and yolksac but no embryo or heartbeat. They said it was a very healthy looking 5 week pregnancy.

Based on my dates this cant be right or possible? I feel as though its stopped growing but they wouldnt confirm. I cant possibly be 2-3 weeks out especially if I got my bfp on the 17th may.

Ive had no cramping or bleeding.
Does anyone have any experience of this, is it possible or am I having a mc.

Any advice would be great. Xx
Sorry hon, I don't have any experience of this situation but didn't want to read and run.
It does sound confusing!
I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you though.x
hiya beeble im realy sorry ur having to play the waiting game it realy is horrible but i cant say for sure what is going on like the hossy cant realy it can go either way, could be ur going to mc as we dont always cramp and bleed our bodies carry on as normal like mine did but on the other hand maybe its just a slow grower this is why they have to do the second scan to be 100% sure i know its horrible living in limbo land but try to think possitive :) hope all turns out ok for you xxxx
It is possible you ov'd later than you think, the chemical pregnancy may have delayed things. If your faint BFP was on 17th May, this could potentially have been 8-9DPO as that is the earliest you get a faint positive. That would make the scan right for 5 weeks.

The ladies are right though, the only way you're going to know for sure is going back for a repeat scan so you can see if things are progressing. Having just played this game I know how it feels. I would say though that I knew things weren't right as I had been spotting nearly all the way through the rollercoaster I went on.

Are you going back for another scan? I really hope it works out for you. x
Im sorry you are having to go through this. Fingers crossed you have ovulated later! Xxxx
It is possible you ov'd later than you think, the chemical pregnancy may have delayed things. If your faint BFP was on 17th May, this could potentially have been 8-9DPO as that is the earliest you get a faint positive. That would make the scan right for 5 weeks.

The ladies are right though, the only way you're going to know for sure is going back for a repeat scan so you can see if things are progressing. Having just played this game I know how it feels. I would say though that I knew things weren't right as I had been spotting nearly all the way through the rollercoaster I went on.

Are you going back for another scan? I really hope it works out for you. x

Thank you for your reply, I am going for another scan hopefully at the end of next week to see if there has been any growth.

In regards to what you are saying, could you explain that to me? I don't understand how if I got a faint BFP on the 17th and possibly was only 8 - 9 DPO how that puts me at 5 weeks? Surely that only puts me back by around 5 days or so? I dont understand and I have been getting myself in a tizz trying to work out dates to try make it account for the 5 weeks.

I have not felt pregnant at all, no symptoms at all which concerned me but no spotting or cramping :(

Really hope it is simply because of the chemical pregnancy and not because the wee bean has stopped growing.

its all so confusing beeble i was realy confused cos i had all the strong symptoms and i mmc wen i look bk i had symptoms from implantation day but with my mmc last yr i had no symptoms at all so what im trying to say is it does not matter about symptoms realy but i realy realyyy hope it all turns out ok for u xxxx
I had s similar experience with my little boy, i lost a baby at 20 weeks and bled quite badly, I didn't have a period before I fell pregnant with my son and was really confused as about a month later I had a faint + test, I assumed it was left over hormone but at a scan after more heavy bleeding a 5 week pregnancy was detected, I didn't believe it was possible (we'd only dtd one time post loss that didn't really coincide with this new pregnancy) anyway a scan two weeks later showed a 6-7 week pregnancy with a little heart fluttering....

I don't want to give false hope but I really do think our bodies are funny things and ovulation, pregnancy etc is never an exact science so anything is possible, I also think your dates are actually really feasible!!!

It's going to be a horrid long wait for you before your next scan :-( I really do hope it's all perfect for you sweetie xxxx
Thanks for all your support. I am just trying to forget about it till next week. Still cant see the dates making sense though, its like a really bad puzzle. Last bleed was 12th april, ovulation was aposed to be between 26th and 30th, got positive on 17th may. Should be 8 weeks from 12th april to 7th june when I had scan. Its making me so miserable :( x
Hey when I was pregnant with my daughter I tested the day before my AF was due. I got a VERY strong pos with a FR. We we went for our first scan @ 11+5 she measured only 10+1. I FREAKED out because It meant I had tested 6 days after conception and it was a very strong pos so It didn't make sense to me at all. The sonographer said it was normal for some one who has just come off the pill to OV late and the baby had a very strong heart beat so not to worry. I ended up having a perfect Little princess who will turn 5 tomorrow.

I hope the same happens for you!!!!
I am hoping for something like that, I am more confused because the sonographer just said it was 5 - 6 weeks so did not properly date it. When I went for the scan I thought I was 7 + 6.

If I was only just 5 weeks then I would be 20 days out

If I was just 6 weeks then I would be 13 days out approx. But I dont think I was 6 weeks because if I was she would have said 6 weeks rather than 5 and surely they would see something there! I thought you could see a heartbeat at 6 :(

I cant possibly be 20 days out so I am losing hope entirely x
I can't offer any medical insight but just wanted to wish you well with your second scan xx
hi beeble wen i had my bad scan they didnt date me properly either just that my bean had stopped sumtime week 7 they couldnt be very accurate and i think with you they rnt 100% sure so wont say oh yes 5 or no maybe 6 so they say 5-6 to cover there backs realy,2 weeks is a hell of a long time to wait tho with my mc last yr they had me bk each week for 3 weeks cos i wasnt sure of my dates but cos the sac had grown and was something tiny inside they just wnated to be sure but i knew deep down it wasnt going to end right and those 3 weeks were hideous when i think back of living in limbo land i think i went into denail at the finish and just went into myself and resigned myself it was over weeks ago then when i had the fianl scan i was just like ok yes now what :-/,i just wnat to say to u there is alsways hope never let go of hope till u have to and miracles do happen every day :) xxx
I really hope things turn out ok for you hun :hugs: Maybe give them a call and ask to be scanned next week, instead of waiting for two weeks, does seem a long time x x
Can't get through to midwife, but she said I could have a scan at the end of the week so hopefully she will call me back and get something arranged.

My breasts were really sore around the time of my missed period, but they had gone back to just being tender when pressed over the last couple of weeks - yesterday and today they have been pretty sore and nipples are sore aswell.

If I had a missed miscarriage and stopped at 5 weeks would my breasts continue to get increasingly sore 3 weeks after?

I am confused. I have no other symptoms, I am not as tired as I was in the beginning which concerns me but if it has stopped growing why would my breasts suddenly get so sore? x
hiya unfortunatly with a mmc ur body carries on thinking its pregnant the sac continues to grow and hormones are still released its realy cruel of our bodies to do this,it happened with my mmc i had all symptoms and realy stronge nausea boob tenderness needing to pee a lot right up till scan at 10 weeks even tho baby stopped week 7 it was as if once i seen that scan pici n it was confirmed a switch was turned off inside my body and my symptoms were almost gone appert from my boobs were slightly sore for a week after :-(,its realy confusing i know but there is still hope and untill they say im sorry...... try to cling onto that bit of hope :) gd luck xxxx
I had a chemical in January last year. I got BFP x2 on digis showing 1-2 weeks, started spotting about 4 days later, got an EPU scan showing pregnancy of unknown location (no sac or fetal pole seen), bled more heavily the next day and for the next 4 days.
HPT turned negative 2 weeks later but still had symptoms until BFN
Hope this helps :hugs: x
Yeh, I am just clutching at straws. I think if I just knew either way I could just deal with it but its the not knowing thats the worst.

Managed to get an appointment on Wednesday but the midwife had to lie to get me the appointment! Apparently the EPU are not happy about giving me one. They said that despite being only 5 weeks when I should be 8, if I have no pain or bleeding then I should not be getting one and the scan I am due in two weeks from the private scan place should be good enough! Shocking. Midwife had to tell them I had pain to get me the appointment. I hate lying but I need to know if I have a baby in there or not.


Matters made worse by my increasingly worsening symptoms which could be good...but could also just be my body being tricked.
Bloody hell beeble I'm shocked that ur mw had to lie I realy am I have never heard such tosh to do with epu. They are usualy pretty gd and as u had had a scan but ur 3 weeks out of ur own dates they have to act now not in weeks to come omg I'm disgusted! But ur in so let's hope its gd news for you hang on in there xxxx
Good luck tomorrow Beeble, I hope its good news for you. x

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