Not sure what else to try


Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2011
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Well Ive tried Raspberry Leaf Tea, walking (lots of walking, for me), sex, hot/spicy food, lactulose, and orgasms (with and without OH, as wanted to put some extras in lol)....

Anyway, what else can I try, not Castor Oil, to get this baby on the move, it wont even engage.... :-(
Help!!!! lol
Drive over a bumpy road? Bounce on a fit ball, jump on trampoline lol! Keep moving about lots, I'm planning a long gym sesh when I want to encourage baby out! I've got a back log of raspberry and echinea tea from muli-packs of fruit tea as both are meant to help. Also read eat lots of pineapple not sure how true this is!
Have you got a wii fit? Using that started my labour off with A hunny.
Hope things start moving for you soon x x

I had twp punnets of pineapple on the Friday afternoon and went into labour at 8pm that same evening. Not sure if it was the pineapple but might be worth a try? My friend swears by castor oil and has done it for all three of her babies but be warned, if your body is not ready it will just give you bad diarrhoea!!

Heres some tips from the internet...


Acupuncture involves the insertion of needles into specific points of your body. This is thought to stimulate the energy within your body to act on a specific organ function or system.

Find out more about how acupuncture may bring on labour.

Castor oil

We don't know exactly how castor oil works. It's thought that it stimulates your tummy and therefore stimulates your uterus (womb), kick starting labour. However, be aware that taking castor oil may make you nauseous and give you diarrhoea.

Find out more about how castor oil may bring on labour.


Curry is often suggested as a means to bring on labour. Eating spicy food may stimulate your tummy and therefore stimulate your uterus into action.

Find out more about how curry may bring on labour.


Pineapple contains the enzyme bromelain which is thought to help soften your cervix and bring on labour. Eating large amounts will probably stimulate your tummy, which could also stimulate your uterus.

Find out more about how pineapple may bring on labour.

Herbal remedies

Herbal remedies such as blue cohosh and black cohosh are much stronger than homeopathic remedies and should be used with caution. Blue cohosh in particular has been linked to complications for babies at birth. You should get professional guidance before using herbal remedies as they are much stronger than homeopathic remedies.

Find out more about how herbal remedies may bring on labour.

Homeopathic remedies

Homeopathic remedies such as pulsatilla are often used to stimulate labour. There is lots of anecdotal evidence from mums-to-be who have found them helpful. However, talk to your doctor or midwife before trying them.

Find out more about how homeopathic remedies may bring on labour.

Nipple stimulation

Nipple stimulation is when you gently rub or roll your nipples to encourage the start of contractions. The idea is to stimulate the suckling of your baby. This releases oxytocin, a hormone which causes contractions to start.

Find out more about how nipple stimulation may bring on labour.

Raspberry leaf

Raspberry leaf can be taken as a tea or in tablet form. It is thought it may stimulate your uterus and encourage labour.

Find out more about how raspberry leaf may bring on labour.


Having sex can be tricky when you have a big bump. But it could trigger the release of oxytocin, a hormone which causes contractions. Having an orgasm could also stimulate your uterus to get labour going.

Find out more about how sex may bring on labour.


The pressure of your baby's head pressing down on your cervix from the inside could stimulate the release of oxytocin, a hormone which causes contractions. Being upright also encourages your baby to move down onto your cervix.
I tried every idea known to man to try get my 2 labours started...nothing worked and i ended up being overdue by 10/11 days with both. I think its a case of if babys not ready to come out then he/she wont lol. Pineapple and castor oil just gave me the runs which wasnt pleasant :( Think this time round im gonna let nature take its course. Good luck tho, no harm in trying x
Drive over a bumpy road? Bounce on a fit ball, jump on trampoline lol! Keep moving about lots, I'm planning a long gym sesh when I want to encourage baby out! I've got a back log of raspberry and echinea tea from muli-packs of fruit tea as both are meant to help. Also read eat lots of pineapple not sure how true this is!

Use the pineapple with caution though as my friend tried this method and ended up with a very messy and embarrassing labour....Pineapple is also great for constipation!!!
Drive over a bumpy road? Bounce on a fit ball, jump on trampoline lol! Keep moving about lots, I'm planning a long gym sesh when I want to encourage baby out! I've got a back log of raspberry and echinea tea from muli-packs of fruit tea as both are meant to help. Also read eat lots of pineapple not sure how true this is!

Use the pineapple with caution though as my friend tried this method and ended up with a very messy and embarrassing labour....Pineapple is also great for constipation!!!

Ooh how embarrassing! This does scare me a bit! :shock:
Just do alot f walking and eating alot of pineapple and curries... what work for me is that Ive done alot walking, doing window shopping with mum till am proper tired.. I was 41 weeks, at that time... So it takes time talk to child and say " please please come out"
Nipple stimulation

Nipple stimulation is when you gently rub or roll your nipples to encourage the start of contractions. The idea is to stimulate the suckling of your baby. This releases oxytocin, a hormone which causes contractions to start.
Is it really bad that i spent like a hour with my electric breast pump on this morning? I wasn't intending to spend that long (i read somewhere that you need at least 15 mins of stimulation at a time) but i feel asleep still holding it
my friend had a sweep early yesterday, she is due on saturday. she is 2cm dialiated and had been taking 5-6 raspberry tea leaf capsules 6 a day for 2 weeks lol x
I know u say that u don't want castor oil, id try a hot bath cuz that will relax u and encourage the start of contractions.
As for castor oil; if you change ur mind... my mom had me at 36 n half weeks so wen she got past that time with her after pregnancies with my younger sisters she had two tea spoons of castor oil cuz she couldn't wait no longer... for two days it does make u feel pretty shit and gives u the runs to clean out ur system, but two days after went into labour and had the girls both before 38 weeks. Even though we are talkin years ago, my mom often tells me this story as im gettin close to the end. Fountantly i wont need the castor oil as im booked in for c section.

I can honestly say ive read a few books on labour and birth and they do say the more presurized and fed up u feel the more time it will take to bring on contractions. Hav hot baths and listen to ur favourite relaxin music to put u at ease and in a care free state of mind, ur body will then relax inside and baby may start to make a move. Keep trying it, it might take more than one go. Hope it helps you x good luck!! :)
Thanx ladies.... Gonna definitely give the pineapple a go, have been so constipated recently so if it doesnt bring on the labour then at least I'll be able to go to the loo finally lol...
I did find these on home acupuncture without needles (not that i can find any of the spots properly!):

    • 1 Push on the hoku spot which can be found on the top of your hand. It is located in the webbing between your forefinger and your thumb. Massage this area at an angle to stimulate contractions. It may feel slightly tender in this area. This affects the large intestine which surrounds a portion of the uterus.

    • 2 Rub the area called spleen 6 for one minute. To find this area, place four fingers above your ankle bone on the inside of your ankle. Applying pressure to this point helps ripen the cervix and strengthen weak contractions.

    • 3 Find the bladder 32 spot by tracing one finger width above the buttocks crease. You should feel a small indentation at this point. Massage this point for one minute.

    • 4 Apply pressure to BL60 to help the baby descend toward the pelvis. You can find this spot between your ankle bone and Achilles tendon.

    • 5 Press and rub these spots in a circular motion. It should feel sore or tender but not painful. Remove pressure when you feel a contraction. Continue with the acupressure after the contraction has subsided.

    • 6 Repeat applying pressure to these spots. You can repeat up to six cycles per time. Apply less pressure if it becomes painful.

    • 7 Use these same techniques in the labor room. They can help ease your labor pains.

I have been giving these all a try, thanx hun....
Well Ive tried Raspberry Leaf Tea, walking (lots of walking, for me), sex, hot/spicy food, lactulose, and orgasms (with and without OH, as wanted to put some extras in lol)....

Anyway, what else can I try, not Castor Oil, to get this baby on the move, it wont even engage.... :-(
Help!!!! lol

babay will come natrally when it is ready hun
My mum swears by castor oil infact she said to me she planned she would have both my sister & I on the wkend as it was more convenient for her & she did with the help of the castor oil...only my mum would tell me a story like this lol & then told me to plan when I want to have the baby hahaha
I have pulled a muscle in my tummy and finding it really hard to get around etc, Im also having a few problems with my little girl, shes being so so insecure so just want the ball rolling... She keeps worrying about things like if I go into labour at night, who will take care of me (she thinks the drs and midwives dont work at night, bless), also if it hurts me, or something goes wrong, who will look after her etc etc, shes only 5 so some of the things that are worrying her, she shouldnt even think or know about, if u get...
So anyway, I know it'll all happen when its good any ready, I just want things to settle at home ASAP... And for the first weekend in a while she has finally been happy enough to go to her daddys, so would have been a perfect time for it to happen now lol
My mum swears by castor oil infact she said to me she planned she would have both my sister & I on the wkend as it was more convenient for her & she did with the help of the castor oil...only my mum would tell me a story like this lol & then told me to plan when I want to have the baby hahaha

If I go way over due then I will definitely consider the castor oil but not til then... lol But thanx
The night I wemt into labour I had oh rub my feet , had a curry , a really hot lavender bath and just spent the evening relaxing sitting on my ball . I was oh and at my checkup a few hours earlier there was no signs of labour but by 12 I was contracting away .
I want to do all of these relaxing things but everyone keeps saying to stay as active as I can...

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