Not Sleeping!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2005
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Hi there

Is anyone else having broken sleeps? I am shattered most of the time and am going to bed and falling straight to sleep but then waking up at least 3/4 times during the night to go to the toilet and then waking in the early hours and just lying awake. I am just exhausted which isn't helping when I am at work.

awww hun i know how you feel it can make you feel awful all i can do some days is lie on sofa no energy for anything else just keep telling yourself its not for much longer and it will be worth it when you are holding your little bundle hopefully in a few more weeks we will start to feel bit more normal again big hugs to you xxxxx
Hi Lindsay,

Yep, another joy of pregnancy. I'm exactly the same and it's not improving at the mo. I still have to pee once or twice in the night & just keep on waking up either because i'm too hot, too cold, weird dreams (i read your post Rach, i'm getting those too!) or just because a mouse squeaked in the next county!!
It's so tiring, i'm waking up every day knackered. I guess i'm going to be knackered for years to come so better get used to it!!! :(

I'm really enjoying my pregnancy - NOT - and I shall be letting the little one know as soon as it pops out!!! :lol:

Thanks Ladies

DH said the same thing Nicki - "just think you will be used to feeling tired when baby is born and keeping us up all night!" True I suppose. I have done very little today too, did a bit of housework this morning until the sickness came them got back into bed and felt sorry for myself.

The thing is, I feel sick, spend my life on the toilet and am shattered with dark circles under my eyes - but I wouldn't change it for the world!!! It's amazing what a bit of makeup can do :)

Wonder if I get my letter this week for my scan appointment - here's hoping :)

Off to get bathed and ready for work tomorrow, weekends go too quickly and I really hate Mondays!!!!

Sending you both big hugs Xxx

Hi Girls

Just to let you know that it does improve!!! I was constantly tired in the first trimester - I was lucky was never sick but just completely knackered all the time - which was really frustrating for me because I am always on the go and it got to the point where I had to give in and go bed and I would be sooooooo mad about it!!!!!!

I even had to come home from work a couple of times cos I was exhausted.

Now Im in the second trimester things have definatly improved - there are odd days where I feel really tired again but they are far and few between now.

Hang on in there! it does get better - promise :lol:
I was totaly the same up til i was 12 weeks!! then went on holiday for a week and slept great for months, however, sorry to say have been having problems again now since i was about 30 weeks!! but dont worry everyone is different

:D xx
I really feel for you guys in the first trimester who are feeling tired.

I used to be so tired in the afternoons that driving home from work and then cooking/eating a meal was such a chore!

That all stopped at about 12 weeks and at nearly 28 weeks I am waiting for it to start again.

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