Not returning to work after having a baby


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2014
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I'm not 100% sure yet but we're not convinced I will be going back to work once I've had my baby.
I don't earn much so my wages will all be going on childcare so I'd be working for nothing and potentially just paying for someone else to raise our child. There's also the faff of sorting little one out to be ready for nursery and my older one for school etc.
My job isn't really a career. I'm currently doing a degree as the plan was to eventually get into teaching however there is no way I would continue to do the degree, raise my family and work at the same time. I just wouldn't have the time or energy to do it, we're also minute if we want two teachers in the house either. Again it comes down to someone else raising your children. We've really struggled at times over the past few years with my son, I started working in schools as thought it would fit around with school but with different finishing and starting times, different half terms etc and having to pay for morning and afternoon clubs it's been a nightmare and I feel like I've missed out on loads with him. I never get to get involved with anything he does during school time.
I'm not convinced I want to do that all again.

My husband has suggested I work out a part time plan with work for coming back but then come back and work my notice. Personally I think that's wasting a lot of people's time including my own
Where do I stand if I tell work now that I'm not planning on coming back though?
Have your Job given you extra maternity pay or are you just getting smp?

I just got smp so I handed my notice in a month before my leave was due to end
Since you're still a bit unsure, I would say go on maternity leave assuming you'll go back to work. If you don't want to go back once you've had baby, give them the required amount of notice right before the pay ends. Loads of women plan to go back to work and then realise they can't bear to leave their baby, so employers are used to it/expecting it anyway.
I'm not 100% sure yet but we're not convinced I will be going back to work once I've had my baby.
I don't earn much so my wages will all be going on childcare so I'd be working for nothing and potentially just paying for someone else to raise our child. There's also the faff of sorting little one out to be ready for nursery and my older one for school etc.
My job isn't really a career. I'm currently doing a degree as the plan was to eventually get into teaching however there is no way I would continue to do the degree, raise my family and work at the same time. I just wouldn't have the time or energy to do it, we're also minute if we want two teachers in the house either. Again it comes down to someone else raising your children. We've really struggled at times over the past few years with my son, I started working in schools as thought it would fit around with school but with different finishing and starting times, different half terms etc and having to pay for morning and afternoon clubs it's been a nightmare and I feel like I've missed out on loads with him. I never get to get involved with anything he does during school time.
I'm not convinced I want to do that all again.

My husband has suggested I work out a part time plan with work for coming back but then come back and work my notice. Personally I think that's wasting a lot of people's time including my own
Where do I stand if I tell work now that I'm not planning on coming back though?

IF you work in a school I presume it is part of the local council? If so, you need to return to work and work for 12 / 13 weeks. Otherwise you will need to pay back your maternity leave pay, in full.
^^Isn't that only the case if I get more than the SMP - surely that doesn't work out right that working for the council gives you less rights than working for anyone else?

After posting this I did more research as I was unsure and the government website states that SMP doesn't have to be paid back as you're entitled to it even if you hand your notice in before starting maternity. If that's the employment law I don't see how working for the council can change that?
Most schools aren't paid via the council these days anymore either; if a school is an academy it's the academy trust who pays. Most schools are academy's now

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