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Not much kicking :(

positivity :)

Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2010
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hi girls,

since my bfp lo started moving around and kicking at the times i would have expected, only problem is, his kicking has been very rare and not very hard.

so since he started kicking, he kicks about 2 sometimes 3 times a day and it lasts literally a few seconds and then he stops again :(

i'm always reading on here of all the kicks you girls get and it is starting to worry me :(

hiya, mine is exactly the same my baby has a few kicks in morning and a few quicks at night. Aslong as your own pattern of kicks hasnt changed no need to worry. You baba may not have much room or be in a position where you can feel the kicks etc on any scan i have babys kicking constantly but i cant feel it lol!

if you are worried you can go to hospital and they will monitor the movements xxxxx
my little girl was like that hun all my other kiddies were kicking all the time and it bloody hurt at times 2 but she was so quite it used to scare me. when she was born she was just a very quiet baby. maybe its just your lo's personality. xxxx
If your worried see your midwife. When my mum had me I stopped kicking, she went to hospital and had an emergancy C Section. I'm always so worried incase the problems she had a heridtary (sp?) so I keep an eye on his daily pattern more than counting.
I was told as long as baby's movement doesn't change then it's ok but o get checked of worried some r just lazier than others!

I noticed that my sons kicking always seemed much less than my daughter, but I put it down to different baby/gender etc they are all different. At 28 weeks it played on my mind - I mentioned it to several different professionals at this point as it was going around in my head. I felt him move occasionally, always daily but it was the strength of the kicks/movements that worried me. They weren't that strong, now I'm preg again I realise how strong this little one is I really should have pushed with my son but I was reassured all seemed well. Turns out things weren't ok, he was distressed and they even missed it when monitoring his heart rate and movement. They discharged me, it wasn't until I had a scan the next day that they spotted at problem at 30 weeks.

Don't want to scare you hun, but everyone fobbed me off an I ignored it as I thought I was being neurotic. If you feel like there could be a problem, insist on getting it checked. I wish I had insisted 2 weeks before when I first didn't feel right. I did have some other signs by the time I got to 30 weeks though - I'd started to develop Polyhydramnios which meant I could feel his movements as much due to excess fluid. My poor man was full of fluid too by then.

I have been told this time to drink something cold and sweet and lay on my side and if I feel nothing in 30 mins to call Triage. In 30 mins of rest and a cold drink or something sugary generally most women feel movements - I get about 10 in that time with this little one. The key thing is to rest as if your going about your usual business it will rock baby to sleep. The guideline are actually to feel 10 movement within 2 hours not 24 hours like most people think. I went by that with my son and I honestly believe it held me back getting checked out.

You will almost certainly be fine honey, but better safe than sorry :)
thanks girls, i think i should go and get it checked then. i'm going to go to the labour ward at lunch time maybe.

arrgghhh! its so stressful :cry: it isn't as strong as i think it should be :( i've been thinking it for a few weeks, went for a mw appt the other week and obviously she found the heartbeat so it put my mind at rest but maybe i should go and see what they say :(

i'll give them a call now xx
Do it to put your mind at rest, but truely and honestly I think you just have a mellow baby.

Squiggle does kick and punch and wriggle half the night, but I think it means he's going to be a handful and really hard to settle. My mum says that I, on the other hand, hardly moved at all, and was an incredibly calm baby and started sleeping right through the night within days! There was nothing wrong with me, just happy and relaxed! I worry that maybe I am feeding my baby too many stress hormones and thats why he's never happy and still!

thanks again, star
i'm a really calm person and have had the luxury of a stress free pregnancy since my results at 19 weeks so i'm hoping its that my OH on the other hand is a hyper loud person so i assumed my baby would be too.
i just called the midwife and they have booked me into day assessment on the labour ward at 1.30 today. currently in work so need to ask my manager for the afternoon off. i'm going to have to tell him why. such a horrible feeling coz you dont want people to think that your mad and over reacting :(
not going to tell OH either as i dont want him to worry unless of course something is wrong :(
The thing is it's better to be safe than sorry! Also they will be able to advise you whats 'normal' and what isn't! Good luck and let us know!
Yes, I think you are right not to worry OH until you know more, but agree its awful having to let work know you're fears, you imagine secret eye rolling behind your back. But the health of your LO is so much more important than their views on the matter. Let us know how it goes, will be thinking of you :love:
yes that is exactly it star, u think people are literally rolling their eyes. paticularly as i had to leave once in early pregnancy as i was bleeding and then had all the extra appointments coz im high risk! xx
look forward to hearing how you get on :) xxx
Good luck hon, I'm sure it will be fine but your doing the right thing, at least your mind will be put at ease, best to know for sure with these things then you can relax and enjoy the movements you do have, but it would be worse if you ignored it and it was something to worry about. xxxx

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