Not feeling pregnant at 14 weeks??


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2010
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Hi there, so im starting to worry again as I REALLY don't feel pregnant and find it hard to believe that something is actually going on down/in there. Is it normal not to feel pregnant at 14 weeks? My belly is slightly bigger.

I keep nearly buying a Angel Sounds fetal doppler to try and put my mind at rest but then don't as im worring I will buy it and then won't beable to hear the baby's heart beat. Has anyone used one of these before? Do you think they are worth it at this stage in my pregnancy?

I feel as if i have grown so attached to my baby already that the thought of anything going wrong worries me.

Thanks Girls xxxxx
hi hun dont worry this is normal especially in ur 2nd trimester, u still are feeling pregnancy symptons without knowing ie tiredness, heartburn, running to toilet frequently these are all symptons u dont pick up on, in ur 2nd trimester ur body tends to calm down as its getting used to everything u will have more energy and have calmed down with ur hormones, this is all normal. i bought a baby heartbeat machine from argos was like £30 i think i would reccommend it as you here the baby kick too, this will give you reassurance and its nice to listen to. good luck and dont worry count yourself lucky u arent being sick all the time and enjoy it will it lasts as 3rd trimester u go back to being tired and crampy lol xxxxxxxxx
Yep totally normal. apart from him kicking like mad - i dont feel pregnant at all! I remember with my 1st i was tiny at 18 weeks and still felt pregnant, but now im huge and dont feel it at all :/ haha completlynormal tho xx
if it's any comfort Star I am feeling exactly the same, i think when we get nice big bumps it will be a lot more real.
Hi hun I'm the same I had a similar post the other day!!! I still have symptoms like heartburn, bad bad headaches and look massive but apart from that I feel nothing! I have something similar to an angel Doppler which I borrowed from a friend and it's brilliant!! :) xets hope we feel our little one moving soon, then we'll be complaining!!!! ha :) :)
Thankyou :)

I went ahead and bought the angel sounds doppler :) I couldnt resist! It should arrive in the couple of days. cant wait to try it out and hopefully it will put my mind at rest!

go ahead and buy one! I think I am going to... you can always sell it on Ebay. I have seen on Ebay you can rent them for a month- the proper NHS ones xx
I had this at 14 weeks as my sickness stopped but I couldn't feel any kicks etc so didn't feel real. I'm 17 weeks now and just feeling taps which I think is baby?! But yes it's a weird inbetween time. I've got a doppler and it did help but I try not to use it too much.
I'm almost 32 weeks and don't feel pregnant other than back ache and tirednes. I never felt pregnant in this pregnancy. They do say it's normal in the 2nd tri as your hormones level out or something. Also I have a doppler but it didn't pick up baby's hb at 14 weeks. The angle care one in mother care says to use from tri 3. My one got baby's hb around maybe week 15/16 this could of course be different for every woman. Iv heard woman with the same doppler as mi e getting the hb at week 12 others earlier. Also it's easy to get mixed up with sounds. I thought I had it then found out I was wrong.
I remember that well, at 14 weeks I started feeling normal and then convinced myself I wasn't even pregnant at all! Try not to worry if it's difficult even with the doppler, but hopefully it will put your mind at rest :)
Wish I felt a bit more normal after 14 weeks! I haven't changed at all, was hoping for an easier tri 2!

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