Not feeling pregnant anymore..


Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2014
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I am worrying.. Again!!

I am 11weeks & 2days today..

My sickness has stopped since Wednesday last week & I find myself not as hungry.

I have a cold or what I thought is rhinisitus but apart from that & being tired I feel okay??

Anyone else feeling this way as they are getting closer to Tri 2??

Aw bless. Speaking from when I had DS it tailed off for me about 10 weeks.

Bloody hope it does this time ... Sick as a dog ATM!!!! X
They say the placenta takes over between 10-14 weeks which is when the sickness feelings etc stop, which is why second trimester is supposed to be more bareable for most people. Try not to worry though x
Mine went around 10-11 weeks i was really worried and googled to find out if a mmc would cause symptoms to go away or not. Which made me worry more as some said yes and others said no.
My morning sickness came back just before my scan and so far hasn't left again. Wish i had enjoyed those 2 weeks being sickness free.
My sickness was bad everyday from 6-9 weeks then was every other day but felt nauseous all day long then from 10weeks I have been sick Monday & Tuesday & Wednesday then nothing since..

Isn't it strange how we would rather be sick to know everything is okay!!

I have just had some toast & I am very bloated now..

I am off work today & tomorrow so trying to relax :)

Oh yes I remember saying I wish I was being sick as I would prefer that to no sickness so I knew everything was okay! Haha!

I hate the days I feel sick but am not sick though they really suck!
Omg I've felt like this for ages, I even did another test to make sure lol! I've not really had any symptoms, well I have but they seem mild compared to some of the stories I've heard. I had a few days where I felt a bit sick but I panicked because I was expecting to feel really bad! My main symptom is my boobs have hurt since just after ov but have felt ok the past week, and needing the toilet all the time! Oh and bloating- without those two I would feel just the same as I did not preg. This is my first so I have nothing to compare it to I guess, but I think it's pretty normal for your symptoms to decrease nearer to tri2! :) xxx
Aww bless you, try not to get down- your scan will be here before you know it! I have had to keep telling myself that four preg tests and no period since Feb is a good sign! I have even been tempted to borrow my sisters Doppler but I'm scared that if I do it wrong and not hear anything I'll panic and get upset. Xxx
I will say that I don't think I could have got through the last 4 weeks without my doppler. I lost symptoms at 8 weeks and just couldn't cope not knowing until my 12 week scan after last time, I just worried something wasn't right and I wouldn't know!

I have had a couple times I couldn't find baby on my doppler but other times I have always found them pretty easy - going by my scan today it seems they like to settle in one place ;)

I got my doppler at 9 weeks 5 days I think and found it that day! But I heard that some people don't hear that early.

I have the sonoline B and would recommend it all day long!
Yeah I really wish I had a doppler for times like this but I know if I couldn't find it I would freak out more!!

I am trying to relax & tell myself that I have no reason to be worried & that it is common for women to feel this way when their scan is coming up..

Just downed a lot of water & I thought I was going to be sick to which I was excited about!!

Such a weirdo??

No you're not a weirdo, I get excited about being constipated LOL. It is so tempting to ask my sister but my scan is on wed so I'll just resist until then...after that I bet I get addicted to it! Xxx
I did have a major panic, I couldn't find baby one day and tried 3 times and I got in such a state and cried certain something had gone wrong. Next morning found heartbeat again.

The next time I didn't freak out as I knew before I hadn't found it and next day I did.

But this is the reason lots of people say not to get one and why midwives don't like them.

I will likely get rid of mine once baby moves further up under my massive padding ;)
Aww hun, I sympathise completely. I have days where I'm so down and convinced something is wrong, I always find it hard to snap out of. I'm better when I'm busy and don't have time to think about being pregnant let alone worry!!

All will be fine and like the other ladies have said its about now symptoms can ease (my pregnancy app agrees too ;-)).

Well I have just bought a Doppler from Amazon to arrive tomorrow for £29 so we will see if it helps or just feeds fuel to my fire!!

I already feel better knowing that is coming tomorrow as I feel slightly more in control of things..

I will need help as to what to do & may have to YouTube how to do it at 11+3 (tomorrow),

Fingers crossed!!

Oooh yay I hope you find baby!

Tips are to search low down just above pelvic bone. Definitely worth looking for the different noises so you know what to listen for. I know what was my placenta noise and my own heart beat. Watched lots of YouTube videos!

Fingers crossed xx
Haha I have just been doing exactly that on YouTube!!

Did you find it easier in the morning or night, with a full bladder or empty??

I am hoping I find baby & can relax..

Really hope it puts my mind at rest & if I can't find anything I can go prepared!!

First day I got it I found baby in the afternoon before weeing.

Then when I couldn't find baby was early evening so I tried first thing in the morning when I woke up before peeing and found them

Then again I couldn't find them in an afternoon so I now stick to mornings. I wake up and use it before I go and have a wee

I know some people find it different though!
Let us know how you get on wishing! I cannot WAIT to hear a heartbeat, I bet it is the best sound ever. Xxx
No side effects for me either for about 10 days and I've been thinking mmc. I can't remember if it was like this for my lb or not, but its nearly 2 weeks until my scan too. I've had plenty of other things go wrong the last 10 days so I suppose I should be grateful for no heartburn (my only symptom really apart from a bit of ewcm)

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