worried I may be miscarrying :(

I know they won't see much but I'm very worried about an ectopic, and they should be able to see that at least shouldn't they?? i think a scan is more reliable than a blood test for that...

hi if its any consolation i had exactly the same as you, i passed brown blood for a week, they didnt think afterwards it was ectopic as they said i would have been in alot more pain, they did a scan at 6 wks 3 days and they couldnt even see a baby - this tends to be one of the rasons they wont do a scan as this sometimes wont tell you anything, hence the bloody levels as if hormones decrease its sign of m/c slow increase is a possible ectopic then they will scan, if doubled all ok. i know a girl at work who had an ectopic and didnt even know she was pregnant she was that early and trust me you would now about it so very unlikely.

if they did a scan asd you was like me and it didnt show anyting because it was too early i can tell you now it makes you stress even more as you have to wait a few weeks for a follow up without knowing. so early scans are not always good at giving you peace of mind. it may not feel like it but they are only do somethings and not others as they have your best interest at heart xx
Maybe spotting hun, Nothing to worry about, if your getting cramps along with the bleeding and the bleedings bright in colour then get it checked out other than that sounds like spotting which is completely normal in early pregnancy, i had it with my little girl when i was 6 weeks gone, it scared me ( my first child) and had a scan to check and everything was fine :) sometimes it can happen for a number of reasons and sometimes there isnt a reason for bleeding and sometimes women bleed all through there pregnancy like a period and there babies turn out fine :0 if your still worried though hun get it checked out :) x
I had brown spotting and side cramps for a good few weeks and had 2 early scans xx Everything was ok hun so try not to worry x MW told me it was just little bean burrowing in x The blood can be caused by the uterus stretching and expelling anything that was left over from imlantation/last period xx Good luck hun x :hug:
hi hun try not to worry i have had brown spotting on and off from the strt with this one !!!had early scan at 6 weeks and they said dates didnt match the pregnancy had to wait a week for another scan to check everything had progressed. everything fine but that might b why they arent doing a scan. sure everything is fine will keep evrything crossed for u xxx
hey girls, i have just made a thread in here...it turn out i was miscarrying :( it's over now...no more baby. Truly heartbreaking. Thank you all for the reassurance x

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