Not drinking now either

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Well so far Damien has been refusing foods, and now he is refusing juice and milk big time. His nappies are barely wet, he hasn't had a wet one since this morning. What are the dangers of this? I don't want to google and come up with some serious stupid disease or condition and worry myself. How long would it take for him to become dehydrated? What are the signs of it? He doesn't have a fontanelle anymore so I can't check that. He has already lost weight and anything he takes down come back up again like normal, but now it smells very acidic, like it would burn you, and he chokes on it like it hurts him.

Any advice/ideas appreciated x
(Sorry to keep banging on about Damien's health recently, just tell me if I'm being a stupid worrier. :oops: )
If he doesn't have ANYTHING for 24 hours I'd call nhs direct...they may tell you to take him in though.
Ella recently refused the breast all day for 2 days. She still took it in the morning and evening but wouldn't take it during the day or any other time. She's got a bit of a teething sniffle so I presume that's why.

She still has a fontanelle? :?

If his urine is dark and he's lethargic and not himself then I would take him doctors.

Is he eating solids?
Nope not been eating hardly any solids for a couple of weeks now and it's getting less and less. His fontanelle is just a tiny dot now. I know they are supposed to still have it till they are 12-18 months but he doesn't have one :| guessed it was normal for him, that or I'm feeling the wrong place now?!

Got an appt with the doctor at 6:10pm. His night nappy was barely wet. Hoping she can encourage him to drink or give me some idea's!
She thinks he has/had a viral infection which has put him off food and drink. We have to avoid all dairy and milk for 2 days and only give him juice to give him tummy a rest. Then we have to take him back to doctors to be reviewed in 2 days xx
Poor Damien. Seren has been poorly with a viral infection too, had to come home early from work as she had been really sick, was really hot and bothered all last night and has bewen so clingy and grizzly. Its tough isn't it, I hate seeing her like this but she is currently shouting dada so I think she is recovering. I had to keep feeding her to prevent dehydration so I have given her boob lots and also been giving her a beaker of water too.

Hope he is better soon x
Oh Sami you poor thing. you guys are realy going through the wars at the mo.

alex send big hugs (manly ones of course! :lol:) to Damien. he would type a get well message but he's sleeping now!

hope he is feeling better soon and hope you are doing ok too hun :hug:

wont be about tomorrow till late so will catch up then
Hope Seren is better soon Beanie, poor little smiler :hug:
Awww poor Seren :( :hug:

HV rang today after she had spoken to Damien's doctor (not the one we saw yesterday) and they both think it's oral aversion still as he isn't obviously ill, and he has been like this for a while and it's getting worse. Got to see Damien's GP this afternoon for a review appointment anyway so we'll hear more of what he has to say then, but if Damo hasn't put any significant weight on by next week, or it's decreased again, then paediatrition has to be informed, who will decide if it's time for tubes or not yet.

The main problem isn't just the not eating, it's the fact we can't get any meds into him. He takes them in an oral suspension (like calpol is oral suspension paracetomol) but as he won't eat or drink barely, he is spitting them out. We can get half of it down him sometimes, which he promptly brings back up, which is no good as he needs to whole maximum dose for it to have an effect.

It's a crap viscious circle, he won't eat or drink because he hurts from being sick and is associating feeding with pain, but we can't stop it hurting unless he takes his meds :cry:
Hi Sami

I missed this post - sorry!

Sounds like you're having a nightmare. At least now the doctor's and hv are aware something should get done.

Hope it gets better soon - come on Damien!!!

aww poor damien, and poor Sami too :| Hope the docs find a solution soon, get well hugs from me and Ella :hug:
arrrrgh why wont he drink :(

how is he doing today hun?

thnk might sound stupid but when it was hot in greece i tipped eva's bottle of water and let it drop on her. she thought it was really funny and i let it drop into her mouth too, but she wouldnt drink it the normal way.

maybe you could try and make it into a game or something?? x

hope hes ok hunnie let us know how he gets on

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