Feeling a bit of a failure....

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Hi Babe,

The fact that you went to the docs proved you are not a failer as you want to sort this out.

Like you before I got pregnant I was on meds for anxiety and there is a history of depression in my family - we are all nutters ;)

Now you are sorted with your doc and things are out in the open you will be a better feeling mummy for it and that can only benefit you, Damien and Mark.

Having a baby is also the hardest thing I have ever done and every now and then I still think 'I can't do this' but you just end up doing it without even realising it.

From what I have known of you from pregnancy through to birth and our personal chit chats you are an amazing women and an amazing mum. Remember what doesn't kill us will make us grow even stronger :)
Hello Sami,

I think you and I may have a fair bit in common. We are the same age, and although I dont yet have a baby, I hope to have soon.

I have suffered from depression since I was 13, started the same time as yours. I was diagnosed as a manic depressive at 16 and unfortunately I will most prob have it for the rest of my years. Like you I have done some nasty things to myself, I never really went to school cos I was so poorly and I have been on anti-depressants and sedatives for nearly 8 years.
However, I want to have a baby. Mad as it is, im pooing myself if im honest, really frightened that I wont be able to cope and send me over the edge. But, reading your posts, knowing your the same age as me and have a similar condition it gives me fantastic HOPE. You are a fabulous mum, even more so that you have this terrible condition and you are a fighter. That really does give me alot of strength for when I fall pregnant hopefully and have my baby. Im terrified about coming off the pills when I fall, but you did it and so can I.
PND is meant to be terribble and prob more so for people like ourselves. But we are very strong people because we get hell of a lot thrown at us and we HAVE to cope. Some days I feel like my world is gonna end, and when you feel like that just look at Damien and know your his mum and he needs you and loves you. You have to ride the rough with the smooth, thats part of life being a depressive but think this, there is nothing wrong with us, we are not bad people we just have a little chemical imbalance in the brain. Your strong Sami, a brilliant role model for girls like me and I respect you entirely.
Good luck with everything, feel free to PM me at any time.
Love and hugs and jellybeans xxx
Thank you SO MUCH for your messages - I feel so much better today reading them. :D been a little bit brighter but still absolutely knackered, these tablets are helping me sleep but I also take a while to wake up too! Still waiting for the other set to kick in but sure they will soon enough.

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