
Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2007
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I'm having a really bad night. I can't stop crying. Jack woke up at 2 and wont go back to sleep. He's been fed twice, changed, gripe watered, winded, cuddled, dummied, left.... He wont sleep. He just yells. I can't find anything wrong with him apart from he's wide awake.

I really need help with dealing with this. It's happening more and more often and I'm getting no rest!

PLease someone help me before I lose my mind!!!
charliebeth :hug: :hug: :hug:

Daniel certainly has his moments. He wakes up twice a night, has his feed, sometimes fights sleep (maybe that's what Jacks doing?) and sometimes it's hard. He seems to find it quite difficult bringing his wind up at times.
When he becomes a stubborn little monster like this I try to totally relax, feeling stressed yourself will only make the situation seem worse. I get really comfortable on the sofa, maybe make myself a drink and cuddle him close with 'dum dum' gentle rocking also seems to help Dan.

Can your OH take over at weekends for you to give you a break? Do you have someone close that can pop round during the day sometimes so that you can catch up on a bit of sleep? Tiredness is horrible and can really effect you.

Have lots of :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: hun and remember this will get better.

PM me if you want to xx :hug:
Aw hun, I remember this well :( Its so hard for the first couple of months because they just seem to be awake screaming forever :( This doesnt help you now I know but it does get easier :hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug: getting someone to take over for a few hours overnight so you can get some rest sounds like a good idea
I can sympathise hun, James is the same. He woke at 4am this morning and decided he had had enough sleep and it was playtime. I had 3hours kip by 8am this morning! He has absolutely no concept of night or day yet. They are only little and I think its to be expected at the moment chick. The HV said not to expect any sort of sleeping/feeding pattern until at least 8-10 weeks and then they are only just starting to grasp the idea so not every night will be the same. Every baby is different too. My SIL bubs slept right through the night by 2weeks - lucky moo :lol:

I know how hard it is, Ive had Jamnes on my own since he was 5days old and had no-one to take over at night so I can get a few hours quality sleep. I just make sure I nap in the day when he does. As soon as his eyes shut Im the same.

It will get better like the girls have said :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: xxx
:hug: big hugs to you - I hope it gets better for you soon.

I definitely recommend Mr Dum Dum and rocking - a combo that normally works in our house. In fact the gym ball has had more use since Connie was born than it did before!!
i just remembered something the lullaby light show thing i had that you attach to the cot and it plays music and a lightshow on the ceiling- that was a lifesaver! it really soothed Hayden so if he wouldn't settle when he was all fed changed burped etc..i'd put it on and he would be asleep in 5 mins..what a godsend!
awww it will get better. As soon as he sleeps try and get your head down thats the only way i stayed sane! Lack of sleep and my hormones going crazy really put a downer on me in the first months.

They only way i got ky use to night and day was to make him wait for feeds during the day, haev the tv on talk to him ect. In the night id feed him as soon as he stirred, the room was pitch black and no talking aloud! he finally got the hang of it by 8 weeks.

Your not alone! :hug: :hug:
Oh sweetie, I hope you're okay? I have had similar problems and recommend you look at the book by the baby whisperer- she advocates a really simple plan using the acronym E.A.S.Y. which stands for Eat - Activity-Sleep- You time. Basically whatever time of day it is, you employ this method based on roughly a 3 hourly cycle with 1 and a half hours of each cycle asleep (ish). You observe your baby and learn what the cries mean and try to act on them. You watch for the sleep cues during activity time (which includes, dressing, changing and bathing baby)and upon seeing the first yawn or eye rub, take baby to a non-stimulating environment and have quiet time- I have Kathryn on my knee, giving her a cuddle but without rocking or jiggling or talking as this can stimulate and then overstimulate the baby and when the eye lids start to flutter a bit I tell her quietly that I'm going to put her in her cot so that she can sleep and put the dummy in. She doesn;t always settle but mostly she does and goes to sleep with very little intervention from me- hence the 'You time'.

I know this isn;t the quick fix you probably want right now but if you employ this regime through the day then baby will be well fed and well rested (i.e. relaxed) and should sleep longer and better at night as a result. Babies like their lives to be predictable that's why the simple repetative pattern works- no surprises! Try it for 3 days (starting with the first feed of the day when you have looked at the book for yourself as there will be bits I've missed or got wrong :? IN the interim period ask for help and try to get a break if you can xxx :hug:

Oh I just remembered if baby wakes in the night just feed then settle to sleep- I think that's what is advised? Check with the book - not sure myself if that's the official info but it is what I do.
Invest in a baby swing. I swear by it with all my kids. My 2nd girl would only sleep in that for the first 4 months.
Thanks for your replies, I've not really been on the forum much since posting that.

I've had some help n advice from the HV and Doc which have turned things round for me, and I'm so glad! I'm taking some antidepressants, but mild ones so it's still safe to breastfeed, and I'm attending just about every mum-n-baba session in the area! Getting out of the house with Jack makes a world of difference. I'm interacting with people and Jack has new faces and toys too which stops him yelling when he's board.

I still have bad moments, but they are just because I'm tired. Most days I'm good now.

So thank you, all of you, and hopefully I'll get back on here a bit more often now (even if it's just the evenings once Jack's in bed!)

Hiya! Glad you are doing a bit better now! Remember we are all here for you too :hug: :hug: :hug:

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