Not coping

You're not rambling at all BunnyN, stories like yours really help. I'm also 32 and am having the exact same worry about my age and running out of time. I'm so sorry for your losses. I'm so pleased you went on to have three beautiful children. Can I ask when you had your first baby if you did anything differently and how old you were if it's not too nosy? Did you have two losses in a row? Thank you so much for sharing your story and I know what you mean about not changing anything. I still believe this happened to me for a reason and it just wasn't right at this time and I hope one day it will work out, even though it was a horrendous, upsetting experience I hope one day I'll look back and think it made me stronger and appreciate my baby (fingers crossed) even more xxxxx
Glad you're feeling a little bit better cookie. Bunny i agree that losses stay with you and change you in different ways. They give you some humility I think and compassion for a lot of things. Cookie I was nearly 32 when I had my first mc. I waited a couple of cycles and then ttc again and thankfully fell quite quickly with my boy who is now 2. The next one was last year and I was 34. I left it quite a while to ttc again as suffered with health complications subsequently (not directly related to mc) but luckily am now 15wks in to a pg again (sorry I don't like sharing that here but wanted to share the positive part to the story). A lot of times cookie a MC is a total fluke and you'll go on to have a successful pregnancy. I understand how you're feeling now so it's important to take things minute by minute, day by day and go easy on yourself x
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I am glad my story could help you in some way. The girls on here were such a support to me. I havent been on much lately but today is the one year anniversary of our second lost baby's due date. And posting in the loss section seemed like a good way of remembering our baby.

I got pregnant again on my very next cycle after my early loss so was still 32. I was 33 when she was born. I had our son at 35 and then another MC at 10 weeks. Unfortunately I had quite a bad time physically during the MC and was quite poorly after. I was told to wait at least 4 months to get my strength up before TTC again, which I admit we didn't do but it took me 5 months to get pregnant again so I think my body knew better. That was the only time it took me a bit longer to fall pregnant the other times it was pretty much right away.
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Hi ladies, not been here in a little while, I'm sorry if this is too much info but I'm having my first period since miscarriage and its heavier than usual, is this normal does anyone know? Also been feeling way more emotional and sadder. Maybe its just another reminder of my miscarriage and I'm remembering all the feelings I had this time last month :( feels almost surreal now, like did it actually happen.

I've started a healthier diet and exercise and I'm hoping I'll feel emotionally and physically strong enough to try again after my next period maybe. At the moment I'm just focussing on feeling better in myself, my emotions are so up and down!!! Thank you all again for all your support so far, you have no idea how much it has helped me cope this last month. I feel ok just sometimes it hits me out of nowhere like today when someone at work mentioned one of our clients having a miscarriage and how they were worried to call them. Its weird when people talk about it to you and they have no idea that you know exactly how it feels xxxx
It's totally normal periods can be heavier for quite a while after there is a theory your more fertile after mc so maybe the lining is thicker. It can be odd the timings of things. I took opportunities like that to tell people how I was feeling but it can be very personal. I'm very much one for talking about my pat experienceso though and breaking that taboo

Hope you're feeling better soon and your ttc journey is shirt ejrn you are ready to set off on that path again x
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Hi I am sorry for your loss.

I have lost 11 babies and it never gets any easier and it has only been 10 days so things will still be very raw.

I have started to go to Counselling for my delayed grief and it was really helpful. It allows you to shout, cry or express your feeling however you feel best and get it all off your chest.

You can always PM me if you need to talk, I lost my last baby in December last year so things are still a little hard for me but I am feeling better.

Take time love and the pain will ease in time xx
Hi Eryinera,

I agree with you completely and have been talking openly about things to my close friends but there's still many people in my life that don't know and I think you're right, its because it feels so personal and I only want to share my feelings with people I would trust with my closest secrets anyway. I do agree that people should talk more about it in general though, there's still this awkwardness isn't there from people who haven't been through it. My managers been lovely but he openly says he doesn't really know much about miscarriage and I can tell he finds it a bit awkward finding the right thing to say.

Hi Leeann, I am so so sorry for your losses, I cannot imagine how you are feeling. I am in awe of your strength and bravery. Have doctors found out what could be causing your losses? I'm glad the counselling is helping you and you're beginning to feel a bit better. I hope you continue to feel stronger. I've had counselling in the past so it is something I may consider. I want to keep trying but I think the fear and worry is holding me back a bit at the moment. I think I'm fine and then the emotion and sadness just hits me. I would be heading towards the end of my first trimester by now but instead I just feel a bit lost at the moment.xxxxx

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