I'm not pregnant anymore

awh pet
it is 1 week after it happened to me, it was just last sunday
i was numb, confused, shoecked......this forum helped me loads xxx
Thanks everyone, I really appreciate your replies.

I'm a bit up and down at the minute - just trying to get my head around the fact that I'm not expecting a baby because I was getting myself so excited about it. I feel disappointed more than anything - if that makes sense.

Anyways I'm still in pain now and then but the bleeding has stopped. I'm not sure when to bite the bullet and try again. It's a bit scary isn't it. I just feel confused about how I feel really.

Thanks again :hug:
oh hun i am really sorry.
its up to how you feel inside as to when you try again, i wouls leave a month & a normal period in between though & then you will know you're exact cycle again & when you are due on ETC, will be easier if you did fall straight away.
i am so sorry & heres a big :hug:
from me & Louie.xxxxxx
hey hun i hope your ok hun? :hug: :hug:

Take as much time as you need to hun its such a hard thing to get over i know how you are feeling which i know is no comfort to you right now.

Its up to you when you feel ready to try again, i know many doctors say to have a full cycle so that you know your dates when you do start. Only you will know when your ready, look after yourself and you can PM anytime hun.

:hug: :hug:
Oh hunny, only just read this and i'm so sorry for your loss :hug:

So sorry hun i had no idea till now :( Keep your head up :hug:
oh hun i am so so sorry, im thinking bout u n if u need to tlk PM me
lots of love Sarah and Braydon
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
:hug: Aw Tori :hug: I was sad to read this post, Time is the best healer, you will feel numb and confused for a while, but come here and talk, it does help and the vladies are all lovely. :hug: Lv Yvonne xx
so sorry pet
if you need to talk
[email protected] like the other girls have said you will go through so many emotions over next few weeks, ride with them and know that things will get better xxx
Thanks :hug:

I'm feeling up and down at the minute, it is when I'm by myself I think about things really. I had just got my head around being pregnant so now I'm trying to get myself used to the fact that I'm not anymore.

I started bleeding again on friday after doing too much - is that normal? I'm still in pain now and then too if I lift things or overdo it.

Been having some weird dreams too - they are all about babies, I was in a maternity ward last night visiting lots of couples I knew that had suddenly had babies. I think I just feel disappointed more than anything - I really wish I was still pregnant, I felt SO happy when I found out I was.

hey hun :hug: :hug:

you will prob bleed on and off here and then for a while but every m/c is different, now hun you just need to rest ok and take things easy please.

look after yourself and im here if you need to chat. :hug: :hug:
Thanks Tracey - I am trying, but it is hard with Eva to look after. I kinda feel that I don't have as much reason to feel sad as other people because I already have Eva - I know that sounds strange.

How do I know when my cycle is back to normal? do I just wait for af to arrive and go from there?

I would say that most people get back to normal between 4-8 weeks after a MC, but everyone is different, I know of a couple of girls who caught pg again before their AF had a chance to turn up...but for most of us we have to wait until mother nature decides.
Most people take average of 3-6 months after a MC to fall pg again but the good news is that We are less likely to loss again :cheer: (ok i know of some ladies who where really unlucky, myself included but we are not the rule. most are fine)

I would suggest you chart if your keen to conceive again ASAP, try the clear blue fatality monitor to check your ovulating, as AF doesn't always mean ovulation either..
I hope this has answered your questions? I wish you lots of sticky baby dust and that your time TTC is short with a wonderful happy ending! :hug: lv Yvonne xx
Hi Tori, hope you are ok. Thinking of you - big hugs. Take care of yourself. :hug:
hun that doesnt sound strange at all, you have a wonderful little girl there who is your world and she is so happy i bet to have you as a mum but do remember to take time for yourself if you need too. I know some people like to focus on things around them rather than themselves im not saying this is how you are im just saying generally (i know i do).

Yvonne, has given great advice about cycles so i wont repeat that, but you will know when you are ready to try again.

I wish you luck hun and hope it all goes well and we are here if you need us at all
:hug: :hug:

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