Hi, I haven't been on for ages as I had quire a rough ride in the early stages, and was off work several weeks. Morning sickness that lasted all day and night.
I am glad everyone is doing well, I am now 21 weeks and 3 days, although I am convinced I am further on. My bump is massive and also a question I have, my breasts have started leaking badly already and I had to purchase pads, is this normal at this stage? I always thought you got that when you were further on.
Sami, congrats on the news your having a boy, I am convinced I am too, but up in Scotland you don't get told. ;o(
Take care xx
I am glad everyone is doing well, I am now 21 weeks and 3 days, although I am convinced I am further on. My bump is massive and also a question I have, my breasts have started leaking badly already and I had to purchase pads, is this normal at this stage? I always thought you got that when you were further on.
Sami, congrats on the news your having a boy, I am convinced I am too, but up in Scotland you don't get told. ;o(
Take care xx