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Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2010
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People with Mental Health issue are bound to get away with it for a shorter sentance due to a mental illness.
I think this is absolutly terrible an the baby didnt deserve this i think its sick an cruel!!
I think people with a mental illness shud get the same sentance as people without an illness killing is killin to me :mad: x
I sometimes agree but I guess my judgement lies with the problem anyone could sanely do this to a baby, child or adult is beyond me.

RIP little one x
If with a mental Illness an that they needed help before something bad happens to the baby an there at risk but the parent owns up to an gets there parents to help out so they dont feel like that so they can get help an therapy along the way..
Ive felt that everytime i look at something like this a medical condition is more the way foward to get out of what theyve done by a shorter sentance thats the way it looks to me just my opinion lol.
Where as if no one had the mental condition they'd prob get life for killing if u see what i mean. Its like now days they put it on mental condition etc, thats all ive seen the past 2 things ive read about 2 babies dying.
Im not with it today so if im writing anything out the ordinary just snap me out of it but i know where im coming from an a little bit i can see from others point of view x
Ive felt that everytime i look at something like this a medical condition is more the way foward to get out of what theyve done by a shorter sentance thats the way it looks to me just my opinion lol.

I often think this too.

Don't get me wrong gets me angry I'd say the bigger majority really shouldn't be allowed to get shorter sentences based on this reason. IMO it should be life for a life anyway although yes I think sometimes they should love with the consequences you only have to look at the short sentences given and the new identities given to the likes of Jamies killers etc to think WTF, they don't deserve it.
I think people are far more aware of mental illness now and so make the claim they were unwell. In a way I think I'd rather serve the time for it as if you have a mental illness that puts other people's lives at risk then it's a pretty serious state of affairs and something you have to be monitored for for the rest of your life. I think bringing harm on any child or adult is wrong but I have also worked in a medium secure forensic mental health unit and for those people who have committed a crime through a geniune mental health problem have to live with it for the rest of their lives. I met a man who brutally killed his whole family when he was very unwell, but when well was the most gentle and kind person. Unfortunately his mental health problem is very difficult to control so there was no guarantees he wouldn't become unwell very quickly therefore will stay in a forensic institution for many years, probably longer than any life sentence.
Another man was assessed for mental illness due to his behaviour once he was in prison. Turns out he was being badly bullied in the prison where he was as his crime was even frowned upon by his fellow inmates. He wasn't mentally ill and was moved to a more suitable prison.
So yeah, I get what you're saying, lots of people trying to find a 'get out of jail' card, but equally when mental illness turns to a forensic nature it's very sad.
I think it should depend on the individual case..

That stabbing one for instance, was a very aggresive crime, and id personally say it took malice to do that, mentally ill or not..

However a case of cot death, or starvation, death by neglect rather than abuse, should be looked at differently, as often it was a case of the mother simply becoming overwhelmed with a baby, and regressing into her own headspace where she feels secure.

Hope that made sense a bit lol
MK - cot death aka sids, isnt caused by any fault of the parent, its unexplained, noone knows why it happens, hence the sudden infant death syndrome...

anyway... the woman from round here that killed her daughter claimed mental health issues, i cant remember if she got a lighter sentence or not, but IMO anyone who can string 2 men along for 3 years telling them they were both her daughters father and come up with a multitude of lies is of perfectly sound mind, they're just sick, depraved individuals! i too agree that the mental health card comes out far too often these days!
I haven't read the link as I'm very hormonal and likely to cry however I'm inclined to agree with wobs-a life for a life, if someone takes another person's life then their life should be forfeit. What right do they have to live when they've denied that right to another?

MK-I have to echo mmg&i's words with regards to SIDS.
Apologies then, I have only heard the term used, havent looked into it or anything
might want to look into things before you speak then cos saying that would be VERY offensive to an angel mummy who had done absolutely nothing wrong and had their baby taken away from them so sadly :(

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