

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2006
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Should I be worried? lately Dan has been going so long between feeds. At first I thought it was great that he slept in until 10 am but the last few days he has had his last feed at around 8-9pm and not woken up until gone past 11am.
Last night he had his last feed at 9pm, went to bed at half past and is still asleep now (11.30am).
He was a little under weight at the last few weigh in. I.E he was on the line underneath the average on the graph thingy! But after 4 regular checks the HV did not seemed concerned (apart from telling me to start him on baby rice)
Is this normal? Does anyone else's sleep through this much without a feed?
Many thanks for any help :)
Sorry Ive got no advice or experience of this, is there any other HV's you can speak to?
willow has her last feed at 6:30 and has her next one at 6am so thats quite a long time. if the HV isnt worried then u should try not to be hun.
Thank you so much Eveadel and Becky for your replies.

I think I will take him next week to the weigh in day, just because he was underweight. There's no harm in checking that he's on course. But it's very reasuring that willow (cool name by the way!) goes 12 hours without a feed too.

Thanks girls. It's so hard not to worry when you're a new mum :hug:
my dd regularly slept like this by about 4/5 months in fact she slept through the nicht when we were in hospital. she still finds it hard to get out of bed in the morning and she is 4 1/2 - if he is gaining weight and the hv isn't worried relax and enjoy it
hi hun christopher has been doing this for 2 weeks now hes been sleeping from about 9 in the night till about 9- 9:30 in the morning i was a little worried so asked the HV about it yesterday as hes only 3 months and hes now completely missing out on feeds he was having at 12 and 4 inthe night she wasnt too worried as he has put on 21 ounces in last 2 weeks but she said she will check him again in a fortnight and if his weight gain slows down or stops i will have to wake him more often in the day to feed him xxxxxxxx
Jake usually sleeps 7pm until 6-7am so 11 or 12 hours without a feed. He does sometimes wake in the night for a feed but that is only the last few weeks when he has been teething. Maybe you could try waking Dan up after about 12 hours for a feed and then putting him back down again. I'm not sure but maybe check with your HV if you can leave him to sleep or wake him up.
Nathan is also sleeping about 12 hours now without a feed and when he gets up in the morning he doesn't want a bottle either. hes up for about an hour before he will have his milk. Nathan isn't weaning yet and he still only has 4 bottles a day. It doesn't hurt to take him to get checked does it.
As long as hes gaining weight and is happy and normal to you please dont worry about it, babies will only take what they need.
Thanks girls :hug:
It's so reassuring that Dan's not the only one.
I'll stop worrying now......................and start worrying about something else! :wink:

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