non-underwired bras!!!


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2005
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Hi everyone,

quick question about bras!! I'm normally a 32E, obviously underwired to keep the girls under control :oops: but was reading other posts about underwired bras in pregnancy and they are a no no. I've bought maternity bras from M&S but only for night time for added support as they aren't exactly "uplifting" and don't give you much shape, my boobs looked like one big long sausage!!!!! :) :doh:
Boobs are getting a bit bigger now and are quite sore, any movement really hurts. I want the same support as an underwired bra but can find nothing, can anyone help????

Thank you

Bev x x
Hiya i was the same i'm 36f and non of the non-underwired bra's supported me at all. So i just carried on wearing underwired on ones!
:shock: You can wear underwired bras the reason they say not to is it can cause your milk ducts to get blocked.

Manda x
I'm a similar size to you and have resigned myself to M + S sausage breasts for the day to day. Most people's eyes don't get past the bump anyway!

Having said that, I do still wear my underwired/padded bras when I'm going out/making an effort. I find my breasts enter the room before me :lol: but even though we're pregnant we're still women and entitled to a little vanity I think!

As long as it's not uncomfortable you should wear whatever you want!
So funny - I too am a 32E and using M&S sausage bras (34F though :shock: ) during the day though - as I have outgrown my normal bras and they hurt. Will be interested to see if there are any good suggestions :D
i was unsuccefull with the bf last time and wore my underwired bras up to a month before she was born. This time im wearing maternity bras from 4 months so I will be interested to see if it makes any difference.

Im 36E and can't find any comfortable non-underwired bras so im still wearing my underwired ones, I shouldnt really but wearing non-underwired gives me really bad back :?.

Rachel xx
thats the difficulty isnt it. Im not big in that department so a non underwired bra isnt really giving me any problems apart from lookin saggy.

Have you tried a special sports bra?
Thanks everyone for the suggestions,
It's good to know I'm not the only sausage sufferer!!! :)

I suppose I'll keep wearing underwired ones but probably measure myself regularly as they've grown a lot!! Although DH isn't complaining :wink:

I did try a proper sports bra but it's worse, as there is no individual support, so u end up with a bigger fatter sausage look :wall:

It's amazing there just isn't much out there, maybe I'll design my own.

Thanks, good luck

Bev x x
I know exactly where you are all coming from, im a 40G before i even fell pregnant with my 3rd :oops: and am getting a bit worried as to where im gonna find bigger bras lol!!!! cant go without a bra or an underwired one as it hurts too much so im very limited to my options. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated, kaye.xx
Hi, my Mum has been a maternity nurse for about 25 years and also had three children and breastfed them all while wearing underwires for her amle chest. I had the same worries also being a 32E and she told me to just wear well fitting bras. I have now bought a 34F which fits on the tightest fitting so I will be able to make it bigger as I get bigger. I just made sure that my boobs are supported and not squished. I refuse to have saggy unsupported breasts! This non-wired idea is a relatively new and yet women have been breastfeeding forever!
I had this problem with the sausage look until recently.

I've just bought a Royce non-wired bra from Debenhams and it's fantastic, it wasn't cheap (over £20) but its worth it to have normal shaped boobs again!
It's not the most attractive of bras, but it's comfy and it gives me back 2 boobs!! ( pre preg I was 36E, now I'm 38F!!) :shock:
I just bought a Royce Bra too Sam.. actually makes me look like a woman again instead of a roly poly chest... Also bought a Berlei cotton one.. only £14 and really supportive and nice shape too.. [non underwired] .. try they are great for choice and very quick delivery and returns if not OK..

I had real touble when I was pregnant finding anything at all in a 32 back. I was a 32C before I fell pregnant, ended up a 34F by the end though as they didn't do 32's big enough!! I used to wear Tesco's own non-wired bra's, I found them very comfortable and had a fairly decent amount of support. Were easy to pull down when I was expressing after I had Damien too.

When I went out though I used to wear underwired bra's and I think providing they fit well, you shouldn't have too much of a problem.
M&S do a big range of t-shirt bras and one of them is non-wired and padded. really flattering and I lived in mine totally.

mind you, the sales assistant only showed me boring non-wired bras, I had to find the t-shirt one myself. :roll: :roll: :roll:

I also found a nice non-wired t-shirt bra in BHS that was quite low cut at the front to wear with all the low cut maternity tops

Hope this helps
My wife found some great non-underwired bras in John Lewis the first time round.

Just don't put them in the tumble dryer :!: D'oh!

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