Noah Alex Jeffs -Born 24/09 - 8ib 4


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2006
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Well its half 4 am and i thought when better to tell you my birth story lol. It was pretty horendous tho :(.

Well my waters broke at 9pm on the tuesday as you know, I held off till morning hoping i would go into full blown labour or at least get some sleep. Neither happened tho, i got contractions really irreguarlly. So i rung up the labour ward telling them what had happened and that i was booked for a home birth. They basically said that id have to go in to be assessed and then possibly induced becoz of how long my waters had broke for. So i was pretty upset to hear this all the way through i was worried that my blood pressure would go up so that i wouldnt be allowed a home birth, no one actually worned me that waters going for too long was another reason. Becoz i didnt have Jack until my waters had gone for over 24 hours.

So i got Bob to ring my community midwife instead who happened to be the home birth on call for that day as well so she came round and rung the labour ward to see why they had wanted me to go in as she didnt think i should need to yet. Apparently their policy has changed and you now only have 18 hours before they wanted you to go in after ruptured waters. I was feeling quite disheartened at this point because it only gave me until 4pm to go into labour naturally or id have to go in :(.

So the midwife was telling us to get out walking as i was now getting more irregular contractions again and walking should help bring them on more. So we went walking to the chippy and have fish and chips haha. then went walking up to the park and the local retail park. We popped into the shops and i was literally getting a contraction in each shop and they were starting to get harder to manage. So we headed back home and Bob rung the midwife again saying i was ready for some gas and air (it was now 3.30pm) apparently she had an emergancy of someone else going into labour so i was sent a different midwife and a student midwife, i must admit i was unimpressed by the student and i knew her from school and i didnt want her delivering my baby haha. Anyway she felt my stomach when i was getting a contraction and she didnt think they were strong enough - felt strong enough to me! and told us we'd have to go into hospital. After some reluctance and the promise of 6 hour discharge (i hated hated being in hospital with jack) we rung my dad to take us in.

When we got there they didnt even have a room for us. so stuck us in a "partner room" for about as hour at this point i was finding the contractions really hard to cope with and wanted gas and air :(. Finally at about 5 we were showed to a labour room and i was shown the gas and air. tbh though it didnt help as much as i remember it helping before and really felt like i must be close. No one had checked me all day as i was at home and it would have been a higher risk of infection which is why i was in there to have an anti biotic drip. But tbh they Kept leaving the room and finally assessed me 6 pm and the student i had in there (different student to before) thought i was 8 cms, but then they main midwife said i was only 7cms. Half an hour later i was getting a reallllly strong urge to push. They told me i had to fight it and it was the worst thing ever. Going against the urge was so so hard and made labour far more painful than with Jack. I kept asking them to check me again as i was so sure that i must have progressed further/quickly in that time. But they refused to check me. It was like they didnt believe me :( .So id been trying to fight it for over an hour now and i was so upset, I dont think Bobs ever seen me like that and i dont know how i would have coped if he hadnt been there. At this point i felt like my body was taking over and i just couldnt fight it anymore and the next thing i know the student is telling me his head is out. So i actually gave birth without actually being allowed to push :|. I was in tears at this point mainly from relief than anything else. But they checked me and i hadnt tore or anything so i must have been further than they thought or im sure i would have ripped to crap. So tbh i found it all a very upsetting experience. Of course Noah is all worth it though and i swear hes the spitting image or Jack :)

So Noah came into the world with out pushing :roll: on the 24th September (3 days early),(2 days before my birthday) at 19:38pm weighing 8ib 4

and with his Big brother :)
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Sorry to hear about your birth, what the hell were these people playing at :roll:
:cheer: congrats :cheer:
what a cute little boy u must b so proud
Aww, he's gorgeous. Sorry it wasn't a nice experience for you.
hes adorable hun, cant believe u didnt push tho!! :shock:

gorgeous boys uv got now :dance:
/congratulations what a little stunner!

And your other son is a cutie aswell

wd you!

:hug: hes such a cutie well done and congratulations on the arrival of noah xx
Congratulations!!! He is lovely and i love he pic with his big brother!!!

Awww Noah is absolutely gorgeous :hug: sorry it didn't go how you planned though sweetheart :(

C xxx
Congratulations Hun, Hes so cute :cheer: . Cant believe your story id write a letter of complaint i would, the fact that you were saying you needed to push for over an hour and they wouldnt check you i think thats terrible.

Well done tho hun you did ever so well.
:D He's gorgeous hun! I love that last picture with Jack!

Congratulations xx
hey darlin, congratulations, Noah is gorgeous!!!! and that pic of him with Jack is beautiful. sorry you didnt have such a good labour :hug:

Congratulations :cheer: You have two beautiful boys there :D
Sorry the experience wasn't a good one, but big congrats on your new arrival :hug:

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