No Symptoms??


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2009
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Hi Everyone

AF is due in 3 days time and I have had no symptoms at all, I normally come on 2 days early as well and haven't as of yet.

A couple of weeks ago I have some cramps and lower back pain, but that's all gone lol I normally have a headache and pains 5 days prior to the AF coming, but not had anything, strange really...It is strange how your body can be, is it playing tricks on me or is this month lol???

I have my fingers and toes crossed now....But one part of my brain is saying don't get your hopes up, so I am not testing until I am late (if I am)

Has anyone had no symptoms at all and then found out they were pregnant?

Donna xx
When I got pregnant with my youngest son I had absolutely not one symptom. We'd been trying for a while and it had been one dissappointment after another. I'd been diagnosed with an over-active thyroid and was trying to get better from that. I remember thinking it's been a while from I had a period and then realised I was 3 days late so went and bought 1 test. It had a faint line :shock: I didn't believe it, thought it was a faulty test so drove the 10 miles back into town for another test, a different brand and I was definitely pg :lol:

Tbh I never got a symptom with him until I was 6-7 weeks and the first symptom I got was the fish food made me want to barf :lol:
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it is possible to get no symptoms after all you hear about these people who are pg but dont know til they give birth. I had a friend who didnt know til she was 7 months gone!

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