No sleep/can't be sick.


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Oct 8, 2008
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One of my friends is pregnant. She is really worried though as she hasn't been able to get to sleep all night, and she feels sick but when she tries nothing comes out and she has no idea what she should do. Any ideas?
Hi :wave: How far gone is she? I can't help with the sleeplessness as I'm the complete opposite :lol:

Has she tried eating light snacks when she feels sick, as this usually helps? Something bland, or ginger biscuits as the ginger helps relieve nausea. I don't think she should be trying to make herself sick though, as I'm not sure forcing it i good for you.
Hello :).

She is 6 - 10 weeks gone, she text me at like 4am all upset not knowing what to do, but I have no idea. Thanks for the advice though, I will certainly pass it on, I don't think she has been eating very much because it's making her feel worse.
i can't sleep at that time, but for a different reason (alice!).

as for the sickness, tell her to try and drink loads of water/fluids if she is sick to replace that she is losing- you could suggest to her to eat bland food, little and often.

My MW said salt and vinigar crisps help (something about the salt making you retain more water :think: ), first time round for me cream crackers helped, as did ginger (but now it makes me feel worse). travel sickness bands is another suggestion.

it should fade after time. tell her to look after herself - eat and drink enough, if she can nap during the day go for it! Sleep regardless of what time of day is better than no sleep.

hope it passes soon :hug:
ready salted crisps were a god send for me, ginger biscuits are yummy but didnt seem to do much if im honest :? dry breadsticks are also good.
I cant get enough crisps at the moment for my nausea, and a slick of marmite on toast with flora is brilliant.

She really needs to try to eat as it will keep her blood sugar levels up which will keep the nausea at bay. I know how she is feeling so tell her she is not alone!
Tell her to make sure she doesn't go to bed on an empty stomach 'cause if she wakes up during the night her sickness will feel worse then! It's best to eat little and often, normally dry snacks like crackers. I totally sympathise with your friend! It's horrible when you don't get a decent night sleep!

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