Too scared to sleep...


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2011
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We've had an awful evening Phoebe has been projectile vommiting non stop :( then all of a sudden she went hysterical starting going bright red in the face and screaming and being sick more. Nothing would soothe her. It was so scary. About half an hour ago she threw up and then just went to sleep in my arms. She must be so knackered though she hasn't slept at all this evening. I'm so scared to go to sleep though, she wouldnt have any more milk so she must have an empty tummy and what if she's sick agai n in her sleep and chokes? I'm so tired and worried :cry: x
awww rach xxxxx bad night isnt it. i really dont know what to say. Chloe has been sick in her sleep before without me knowing till she wakes for a feed and to be honest think her head was on the side and it had just dribbled out :/ im sure she would cough so you might hear her u need your sleep too, hope someone has some reassuring advice for you xxxx
ps phoebe looks so sweet in that pic smiley lil beauty! xx
aww bless poor phoebe. she really isnt givi you an easy ride recently. hope she gets better. can your oh keep watch for a few hours while you get some kip? xxx
Oh Hun that sounds horrid. Def try and rest and maybe lie her propped up so if she's sick it doesn't lie with her and rolls out of her mouth? Worth calling NHS direct first thing? Hope your gorgeous little lady feels better soon
Hope she's ok now? That must have been awful :hug: Xxx
I really hope she's ok now and you got some sleep x I still don't sleep if Sebastian is poorly or DD for that matter! I have a horrendous fear they'll choke on sick so I know how you feel xx
Sounds like an awful night, hope it got better and she's feeling ok today.

Dunno if this would have helped you but I got the Angelcare monitor with the pad which goes under the mattress to monitor breathing. As long as you have fitted the pad and positioned it properly it doesn't give false alarms (well ours has been ok so far). I sleep better at night knowing its there even though J is on the same room as us anyway.
Hi, how is she? I had a few nights like this and was up all night checking on her. I was told they knw to turn their head if they are sick but it's still worrying.
Thanks for your replies girls, thankfully she hasn't been sick since. I really don't know why these things keep happening xx
Well she's had a day like this before when we tried to up her feed to 6oz, I don't think she was ready for it at the time. But we tried to up it again yesterday because she keeps crying for more after 5oz, so thats the only thing but I don't get why it would make her so ill, I've made the bottles up exactly as it says on the box :/
I'm sticking with 5oz now though if she wants more she'll have to have another bottle x
:hugs: sounds horrible Hun :( glad it's calmed down now.

For future ref, I'm pretty sure that babies lie on their back because they are able to projectile vomit so being sick shouldn't be a worry while their sleeping, however that doesn't make it any easier, I would be worried too xxx
hey hun, hope shes ok. When we were in hospital with joshua the mw's said that babies have a reaction/instinct that says when they are sick its natural for them to move their head so it comes out apparently as i i spent the first two nights in hispital wide wide wide awake! xx

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