No Sickness...


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2005
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Hey Everyone

Apologies if this is a repeat but I've had a look through and can't find an answer anywhere. I'm at seven weeks and have had the usual, excrutiating boobs and exhausted all the time for a few weeks now, but NO sickness. Now my boobs have settled down and I'm probably being paranoid but when I had external symptoms I was settled (if in pain!). I guess I'm just a little worried that the sickness is supposed to be a good sign and without that, I worry things aren't happening as they should be...

I know it's early days, but everyone I know had bad sickness, suppose I could just do with hearing other experiences?

Thanks in advance!

dont worry hun, my sickness was hardly anything just alittle bit on evenings, as my pregnancy has come to the last stage iam more sick now than i ever was in the 1st tri, honestly dont worry
Hi hun

When i first found out i was feeling really sick but i hadn't been sick, and its still the same i suddenly think im gonna be sick (sorry for details) but i havent everyone is different, some people i know havent had any symptons at all they are very lucky until the last month. Im sure everything is fine, take care,x
i wudnt worry hun with one of mine (cant remember which lol) i had no sickness at all! lucky me
don't worry. i didn't have sickness with my first three proegnancies either. :hug:
No worries hun, I was thinking I cant be normal aswell with my first pregnancy. I didnt have any sickness at all throughout, just very sore boobies lol ....had a touch of sickness with this pregnancy but nothing magor. You could find your not ill with this one, but ill with the next. :hug:
I didn't get any symptoms at all hardly until a couple of weeks ago and it only lasted a couple of weeks so I think no or only a little bit of sickness is loads more common than we realise

Thanks so much everyone, I know I shouldn't worry and everyone is different, but I almost want ALL the bad stuff just to prove everything's working well :oops:

I really appreciate all the posts, thanks for your advice and stories :D

Rachie XX
thatsno problem. I know how worrying it is being a first time mum to be. It doesn't really get any better 4th time round. We will always worry. :roll:

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