I miscarried on the 20th October, 7+3weeks. I know its 4-6 weeks, but me and my hubby have been ttc since 31st October after I finished bleeding. Everything was fine with miscarriage no complications etc. But i've been cramping in my lower back, and hips and the tops of my legs, my boobs aren't sore, but my nipples keep getting a tingling and burning sensation, and be sore for about 5 seconds every now and then, before this happened i used to get sore boobs when coming on my period. They look and feel larger/fuller. I usually get dizzy around my period which has be happening so cant really say its a preg sign. I have been feeling weird sensations all over my stomach and sides, but again could be my period starting up. I took a hpt this afternoon which was BFN, but I really have no clue when to test properly. I think it's just wishful thinking, my hubby keeps telling me not to get my hopes up, but I cant help it! Everyone around me is having their babies and im just so angry that I had to be the person that lost mine!
Any Advise?
Any Advise?