No Movements...


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2006
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Hi Ladies,

Has anyone else around my stage of pg not felt any movements yet?

I am 18 + 6 today and have not felt a thing not even flutterings. I am starting to worry something is wrong :(

Some women (including quite a few on here) didnt feel movements til after 20 weeks so its completely normal.

With my first it was around 18 weeks but that was just flutters which I thought might be wind :oops: About 19-20 weeks they got stronger and I realised it was the baby.

Maybe it has been moving but you've been too busy to notice it, I only feel the movements if Im sitting still or lying down.

Im sure in a week or so you'll be making a post telling us all how excited you are cos you've felt those first movements :cheer: :hug:
That's fine, it's common not to really feel movements until 24 weeks, so you've got some weeks to go. It all depends on where the baby is, and the fact that it's still got a lot of space in there. I've not found the feelings to be like flutterings at all, more like wind lol.
My sis in law was 22 weeks when she felt hers and even then she didnt realise what they were!! :hug:
i really wouldnt worry i was easily over 20 wks with my first before i started to feel movements its got earlier with each pregnancy since.

and like kirsty said in the first couple of weeks i only felt the baby movin when i was sat still n quiet or lay in bed with no distractions

don't worry hun it'll happen soon enough :hug:
this is completely normal, i felt first little flutterings around 19-20 weeks. it won't be long hunny. :hug:
I'm 20wks and haven't felt anythin, had 20wk scan yest and told Doctor and he said perfectly normal, still it was a relief to see baby moving around on scan then early hours this morning I think I felt something but not 100% sure, doc told me not to worry and could be anytime from now onwards. I'm sure all ok
Thanks girls!

It is so frustrating. Especially as i have a fairly good size bump you would think you could feel something happening!

Oh well i will have to wait and see. I have my anomoly scan thursday so that will reassure me :D

I never felt anything till 22 weeks ,once you feel them then you'll start worrying if the LO isn't moving much
hey hun I felt one movement at 19 weeks then nothing until I was 22 weeks. It just differs from person to person. :hug: :hug:
hey hun how are you :wave:

i can't help you because i've had butterflies.. but then again maybe you had then but your just to busy to feel them??

have you tried to relax and concentrate on you belly and you'll never now... it's nothing to worry about you and baby are fine :hug: :hug: :hug:

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