No movement yet...


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2005
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Iam almost 19 weeks now with my second baby. No movements yet :( . I know i have been asking this question for a couple of weeks now. Iam little worried. Last week i had my scan and saw the baby move and everything. Anyways i keep worrying. Please let me know when should i call my doc to ask about not feeling the movements? May be since iam overweight i could not feel it yet.
hi there, i'm 19 weeks pregnant too, and with regards to baby movements i thought i just had some trapped wind! I felt uncomfortable in my lower tummy. Then instead of passing wind!, the baby moved! everyone had told me to expect movement around week 20 and that it would feel beautiful, like fluttering, but this wasn't the case! once i knew what it was, and clarified it with the doctor, i started to enjoy that uncomfortable feeling then a movement!

Hope this little nugget of my experiences so far helps! it is nice to feel the baby move, and it will do, in its own time! i had my 20 week scan on weds, it was very good. Everything ok andit's a little boy! i'm delighted, do you have any idea what you are having?

Hope you feel something soon! :lol:
Thanks Pink for these infos. Iam yet to feel any uncomfortable feeling or movement. Lets hope i feel it soon. Congratulations! Seeing the baby in the U/S is the most exciting thing. Happy to know that he is fine and everything went good. My U/S was also good and we have planned not to know the sex of the baby till he/she is born. My first is a boy and hope this one is a girl and so our family will be complete. I do not know the report of the scan and the blood work yet. Hope it all turns out good. Since iam diabetic and pg, i am little scared about each and everything. Once again thanks for the information.
I started feeling my bubs move at 17 weeks which is really early for a 1st i guess i was one of the lucky ones there (it's probably to make up for all the problems i've had so far).

Reading books they all say that you should feel baby anywhere between 14 and 22 weeks although your size/weight can alter when you feel it.

Have you tried lying down quietly on your own for a while this is often advised to people who haven't felt anything and sometimes works, i've had days where i haven't felt bubs move so i sit down quiet and after a while it does move, it could be that you're active and are missing the movements.

Hope you feel it soon :D
Mand x x
Hi there,

it's not unusual to have felt no movement even at 20 weeks. They say the thinner you are the earlier you feel it. It will happen. Look out for a fluttery feelin or a kind of bubble feeling. it's not obvious until you have felt it a fair few times. I felt my at 19 weeks and he's not stopped since. (that's once i realised what it was). Good luck.

Oh and just to say that baby moves around loads in your tummy before you actually feel it due to there being loads of room!
My midwife told me to expect movements between 18-22 weeks. I first felt my baby move around 17 weeks. Every pregnancy is different, just hang in there!

When it comes to movements...they usually don't ask you to count them until you're in your 3rd trimester. Early on, the first movements are usually quite sporadic. I don't think I felt consistent movements until like 24 weeks.

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