No longer TTC


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2008
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Hey ladies, after much deliberation and thought me and my husband have decided to stop TTC now. We've actually realised that in the last 4 weeks a lot of bad stuff has happened which makes TTC not the right time anymore. We had a chemical pregnancy, I'm not secure in a job and to top it all off last week our landlord told us he requires possession of our house. Also my dad had offered to pay for us to go to Thailand for my husband's birthday next April.

So we had a long discussion last night and decided that things have stacked up against us and it just isn't fair to TTC right now. I'm surprisingley OK with it. We're hopefully going to start trying again in December, which gives me 9 months (ironic, no?! :roll: to get my weight down (I'm not overweight, but in the highest "acceptable" BMI), get my counselling sorted, get a job sorted and get a house sorted, phew!

But you won't get rid of me that easily, I'll still be here to watch you all go through your pregnancies and see your little beans :love: And hopefully next year I'll be on my way to being a mummy too! xxxxxx So today I'm going to spend the day booking our S.E Asia adventure woo hoo!
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Wow so jealous of your trip! Hope you have a great time. Im glad you have made a decision that suits you and you feel happy about it! You have lots to keep you occupied. You will come back in December fully ready, fit and perfect for a sticky bean!

Good Luck with all your sorting out!
You really do have a lot going on! Sorting all of that out will take the best part of that time up so you will be back in the game before you know it! Enjoy booking that trip, it will be brill!!!
Hi Hun, with everything you have on the 9 months will fly by and you have that amazing holiday to look forward to (i'm jealous!). Good luck with everything, stay in touch xxxxxx
Sounds like the best P.O.A Hun, and you never know you could make a baby on your trip!

If I were you I'd keep up the Folic acid and get Hubby on Zinc, that way you'll be super charged for TTC next time!

Hi Dita

Have fun booking your amazing Asian holiday... Thailand looks amazing!! :)

Sorry to hear you will be putting TTC on hold, but with so many major stresses in your life at the moment it sounds like a wise move so that you will have a much calmer environment to prepare for bringing a baby into your life in a few months.

Hope we still see you around xx

Totally understand those reasons. I feel like that too, with no job and between houses right now! Unfortuantly I'm too old to wait. I soooo wish I was going to Thailand, my main advice would be get a beach massage every day right from the start of the trip, we didnt get into it til towards the end of our visit there and really regretted not having done it more xxxx
hope you have an amazing holiday and dont be a stranger x
Thailand sounds great! And its good that you will still hang out with us girls:)

I think youre being very sensible and it sounds like you both really know where youre going (Thailand lol).

I hope you have an amazing time, please promise me that you wont eat any dog or rats on sticks which are common over there!
I'm sure that you are doing the right thing and it'll all work out for you all :)

Have a fab time in Thailand :dance:
Aww girls thanks so much! Well the trip is booked! We're going to Thailand and Cambodia next year starting on March 30th. Can't wait! We went to Thailand last year but only for 3 days as a stop over from Australia and fell in love so can't wait to get back! Really going to keep up with my dieting and exercise programme now and I'm sure the time will fly by before we're TTC again. But won't be leaving you lovelies xxx
Hey :wave:
OMG your trip sounds amazing & you will hve the most fantabulous time :yay:
Sorry to here your not TTC anymore but it sounds a sensible plan & December will be here before you know it
sorry to hear what youve been through..
and i wish you all the best with ur trip, job and house..
hope these 9 months come around quickly for you :love: :hugs: xxxxxxx
Hi Dita, you'd best still be lurking round here though still. Your trip sounds amazing! And by the sounds of it you'll be super healthy ready for your baby next year :)

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