No idea what is going on with my body


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2011
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Hi all,

Firstly sorry for the TMI coming up!

I am wondering if I am having AF or what at the moment and wondered if anyone has experienced similar.

I had a missed miscarriage in March and had to have a d&c on the 21st. I bleed on and off with pain and the last time was 1st April. I have had nothing since that day except what I consider normal discharge.

On Friday (22nd April) I woke up really grumpy for no reason (like PMT) and then during the morning started to have a bleed. Well I say bleed more like discharge with a bit of blood in.

Well since then I have been having more of the same each day but it is very light, a panty liner will do, defiantly no need or towel, and I have no period pain (very unusual for me) but I am still very PMT'ish, hunger that I cannot satisfy, feel grumpy etc which is the norm for my AF.

I just cannot work out if I am having a very light AF as there is not much to come away due to the d&c or if it is ovulating with spotting (due to the discharge) or what is going on.

Has anyone had a similar experience?

I just want to get on with trying again so desperately hope this is AF.

Sorry for your loss hun, They say that AF after D&C can be very different to normal, either very light or heavy, last time i had a very heavy AF afterm this time i am still waiting on AF.

They also say that for it to have a true AF you have to have at least 20 days of no bleeding or spotting in between D&C bleeding and next period if that makes sense?

My first AF after D&C was really different to what it had been prior to falling pregnant. I had severe pain, sickness, headaches but the actually bleeding was really light. Since that it's been normal with medium pain, no sickness and medium flow. Everyone is different. Hope what you are experiencing is return of AF and you know where your body lies for ttc again :dust::dust::dust::dust:
It really does seem that anything goes with the first AF after a d&c!

As everything has stopped now I am now wondering if I have ovulated with spotting (never had this before but hey, nothing surprises me with my body at the moment) due to the type of discharge I am experiancing.

Should I stay away from hubby until I have had something more like a proper AF or are we ok to start getting on with it again. I would hate for this to happen again due to a bit of impatience!!


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