No Heartbeat Second Scan - Help


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Jan 29, 2017
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This is my first pregnancy so I’m just looking for some positive stories/honest opinions or some guidance on what has happened to me.

I found out I was pregnant on the 30 December 2016 (via positive pregnancy test). As I was trying for a baby, I had logged my periods so knew my LMP was 21 November and I unusually have 37-40 day cycles so am never sure when I ovulate. When I was around 9 weeks pregnant, I saw a slight bit of pink blood when I wiped, which went away and has since, never come back. I called the hospital and saw an urgent care doctor the same day, who tested my urine, blood pressure and pushed on my stomach asking if there was any pain in certain areas. There was no pain, and there never has been any pain so he explained that slight spotting can be normal and not to worry as it had since stopped. He then suggested I go for an early pregnancy scan the following day (I’m from the UK so the first scan you usually get is at 12 weeks). To be honest, I was quite excited and couldn’t wait to see my ‘little bean’ and was hoping to come home with my first scan picture.

When I had my scan, the ultrasound lady didn’t really speak or introduce herself. She then told me she couldn’t see anything and asked to do a vaginal scan. I said yes, although I had no idea what one of these was. Whilst I was still being ‘internally scanned’ she bluntly said “there’s no heartbeat sorry and it’s only measuring at 6 weeks” and handed me a box of tissues. Then left and said “I’ll give you a moment alone to cry.” and sent my boyfriend into the room – I was obviously very upset, as I assumed this was a miscarriage even if she hadn’t actually said that out loud. Afterwards I went to see a doctor and the first thing she asked was “why are you crying?” – so I explained what had happened (she had all my notes and the scan photo in front of her so I thought it was quite odd to ask that). She then said “it’s quite normal not to find a heartbeat this early on, if you are only 6 weeks I suggest you come back for another scan next week, and we’ll see if there’s any growth.”

Now I feel like I’m in limbo, I have no idea what to think. Has anyone else been through this? I’ve googled so many things and have read up on missed miscarriages and scared myself so much. One minute I’m crying because I assume the worse, then the next I think positive. I still “feel pregnant” but don’t know how I could be 3 weeks out with my dates. I know I will find out this week at my second scan but for now my mind is in overdrive…
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i was 2 weeks out of my dates! and my first scan - internally there was just a sac, wouldnt even date me, second was a tiny heart beat and then 3rd was a heartbeat and a little bean!

keep positive my scans were 2 weeks apart and the growth/change was incredible, he grew 3 weeks in a space of 2 weeks!

tissues were probs to clean yourself up! they usually dont speak through the scan unless there is something to tell you, and she will have been able to see if the sac was attached etc they cannot say its a viable pregnancy until they see the heartbeat but 6 weeks is early, a week isnt long and the growth will be exciting to see! altho it just looks like a flicker.

fingers crossed for you!
Thank you so much!! This has given me slight hope! At your first scan how far along were you/how far along did you think you were? Really hoping they will at least see a little bit of growth on Thursday (my next scan date) and that somehow I really did get my dates wrong.
I had the same and sadly for me it wasn't good news. I am pregnant again and they scanned me at 6 weeks and saw a heart beat, they scanned me at 5 and didn't. Obviously this is just my experience, there is no reason that your dates are slightly off. A week can make all the difference!!! Try not to worry ( stupid to say because you are so going to worry!!) But go for the next scan and all might be fine. Xxx

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there is nothing you can do either way hun, just relax and take every day as it comes. you may not have been 6 weeks they cant date you very well in the first 12 weeks as it grows so quickly.

but be prepared for another internal :)
there is nothing you can do either way hun, just relax and take every day as it comes. you may not have been 6 weeks they cant date you very well in the first 12 weeks as it grows so quickly.

but be prepared for another internal :)
Yes agreed!! With my first I had a lot of bleeding and was up for a scan very Regularly. I was given loads of possible due Dates. Like you, I have very long cycles and had no idea when I had ovulated xx

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i bled which is why i had my early scans, but since then i have bled a few times due to having an ectropion.

if i was to get pregnant again im not sure i would go for the early scans i would try and hold out, nothing much you can see and makes you worry more.

i was googling alsorts when all they could see was a sac! coming up with all sorts or problems or reasons why i might lose the baby! i still do it now even tho im quite far on!

my AF was bang on every month i wasnt watching when i ovulated etc, just enjoy our time and fell lucky, and that month i was late it seemed

its a worry from day one and if its meant to be it will be!

fingers crossed for you xxx
I went for an early internal scan because of bleeding thinking i was 11 weeks (by my dates) and in actual fact, i was way out with my dates and was only 8 weeks 1 day!! She couldnt see a huge amount with Abdo scan but got a good pic with internal scan. I was way out with dates, it can happen. xx
Hi everyone, thank you for your positive comments. Unfortunately they still couldn't find a heartbeat and have told me it's a missed miscarriage. I am now waiting for my body to miscarry naturally which can take weeks, but I wasn't keen on the idea of an operation. I'm gutted obviously but at least I'm not in limbo now and can grieve with my partner and hopefully try again in the future. xxx
Hi everyone, thank you for your positive comments. Unfortunately they still couldn't find a heartbeat and have told me it's a missed miscarriage. I am now waiting for my body to miscarry naturally which can take weeks, but I wasn't keen on the idea of an operation. I'm gutted obviously but at least I'm not in limbo now and can grieve with my partner and hopefully try again in the future. xxx
I'm so sorry Alice. Did they not offer you medication to help it along? I gave my body a week to so things itself but nothing happened and I wanted to move on. I opted no for the operation too just because of the small risk of not being able to conceive again. I was given medication and pain killers and slept through the whole thing. Its not a pleasant situation at all for you to go through and I do really feel for you. Just for some positive info for you, I had my miscarriage in may and fell pregnant again in the November. Keep your chin up and keep trying when you are ready xx

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So sorry to hear this Alice. Wishing you all the best for your future x
I'm so sorry Alice, I had the exact same thing happen to me back in 2014 but chose the operation as we were getting married 12 days later and I was terrified it would happen naturally on my wedding day (because life had been so sh*t as to let us have a MMC in the first place!) thankfully, I fell pregnant with my lo the following month and I'm now 6+3 with his sibling (fingers crossed it all goes ok).

I'm so sorry your hurting, take time to grieve with your partner and be kind to yourself. X

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