No heartbeat :( - booked a D&C - questions


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Apr 19, 2008
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Well I had my routine scan yesterday at 12+6 days and sadly there was no heartbeat :cry: . The doctor said the baby was measuring 9wks. (I posted when I was about 9.5wks that I thought my symptoms had gone - now I know why - though since then, I've thought my boobs had grown in the last wk or so :? ).

I've now booked in for a D&C on Monday - but just wanted to ask - has anyone had any problems TTC after having a D&C? Some people on here were told of possible fertility risks but no Dr has told me about any of the risks yet. Just want to be sure I'm making the right decision before going ahead with the D&C. This is my second mc now and I just wanted it over as quickly as possible I think :( but don't want to jeopardise my chances of getting pregnant in the future.
Very sorry for your loss. I'm not sure about fertility after a D&C - I had a complete natural m/c but was told that there is at least anectotal evidence that you are more fertile after a m/c. I would contact the miscarriage association - there are dead nice and will have all of the facts.
:hug: :hug:
I'm very sorry for your loss :hug: I had a D&C last June and my Dr didn't mention anything about fertility risks. :think: I had a chemical pregnancy my first cycle, but then fell pregnant with this one on my third cycle after D&C.
I cannot answer your question but I just wanted to send you some :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thank you all for your replies and kind words. I keep flitting back and forth between having a D&C or going with the tablets option, but do think I'm leaning more towards the D&C and am already booked in anyway. It's very reassuring to see some of you got pregnant pretty quickly after having a D&C too. Hope this happens to me too.

Babydust - am really sorry to hear you have had to go through it 5 times. Congrats on being 11.5 wks and hope you have a happy and healthy pregnancy. :hug:
So sorry for your loss hun. I had a D &C in April and have heard you are more fertile.
I have only had 1 period though, so am trying in the next coupe of weeks to get PG again.
So sorry for your lost sweetheart :hug:

I had a natrual misscarriage and it took me months to become just physically right after it, let alone my mental health, i would go with the D & C, then its all done and gone, and gives you chance to mentally come to terms with it without the physcial stuff it does to your body you know?
Im sorry for your loss hun :(

I havent had a D&C but after my first mc, we waited 2 months (purely cos we just had got together at the time of my mc) and it took us 7 months to loose again at 5 weeks.

Me and the OH are in no way ready at all now to TTC again. I dont think i will be for a good few months, and as for my OH i think it will be longer tbh it has hit him so hard.

See how your feeling after the D&C and your first AF.

Good luck
Hiya i'm going through very simalar :hug: i'm having my d and c today, they haven't said anything about it affecting your firtility to me so i don't know but it looks like it doesn't affect your fertility from what other people have said which is great as we hope to try again after we have our first period. wanted to send you :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: as it's not a nice thing to go through :hug:

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