Well I had my routine scan yesterday at 12+6 days and sadly there was no heartbeat
. The doctor said the baby was measuring 9wks. (I posted when I was about 9.5wks that I thought my symptoms had gone - now I know why - though since then, I've thought my boobs had grown in the last wk or so
I've now booked in for a D&C on Monday - but just wanted to ask - has anyone had any problems TTC after having a D&C? Some people on here were told of possible fertility risks but no Dr has told me about any of the risks yet. Just want to be sure I'm making the right decision before going ahead with the D&C. This is my second mc now and I just wanted it over as quickly as possible I think
but don't want to jeopardise my chances of getting pregnant in the future.

I've now booked in for a D&C on Monday - but just wanted to ask - has anyone had any problems TTC after having a D&C? Some people on here were told of possible fertility risks but no Dr has told me about any of the risks yet. Just want to be sure I'm making the right decision before going ahead with the D&C. This is my second mc now and I just wanted it over as quickly as possible I think