No heartbeat 6 weeks


Mar 19, 2017
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So I went for my early ultrasound today due to being unsure around dates. Due to have a tilted uterus the sonographer couldn't do the ultrasound externally so performed a vaginal one. The results led to no heartbeat and she asked if I have had any vaginal bleeding to which I said no. She told me it is highly likley to result in miscarriage but they will rescan me in a weeks time. Has anybody has this sort of experience happen to them and their baby was ok in the end? Been an emotional mess all day, not sure what to think. I have no bleeding or abdominal pain and I still have symptoms, but apparently with a missed miscarriage your symptoms remain present? Any stories or words of advice appreciated at this time xx
I did read that a woman a few weeks ago had a scan and they couldn't find anything so thought it was ectopic. Offered an abortion but she turned it down and waited and a few weeks later baby was there with heartbeat.
Don't want to give false hope but you hang in there xx
Thankyou. Trying not to get my hopes up. Just hoping that maybe the tilted uterus they spotted has something to do with not finding heartbeat or maybe that I'm too early than what they thought. Seen alot of women's stories saying they went back after a week and all was okay. I'll wait it out definitely but unfortunately what will be will be x
I would say it depends on how far along you think you are? So if you were expecting to see a baby between 10-12 weeks then I would say finding a baby measuring 6 weeks with no heartbeat not looking too good :( but if you were only expecting to be 6-7weeks then not seeing a heartbeat that early is quiet common! Really hope you see that little flicker on your next scan :) xxxx

Well with my dates I thought I conceieved 5 weeks 2 days ago so wasn't totally shocked when she said 6 weeks. Am just hoping the scan was slightly off on its dates and when I go back next Wednesday the heartbeat will show :) xxx
If you thought you were earlier than 6 weeks then I would be pretty hopeful that this will continue developing into a healthy pregnancy. We saw a heartbeat at 7+3 although they dated me as being 6+5 instead (which was impossible as this is a treatment baby) but I had caught up on dates by my next scan.

Hope it all goes well, how much longer until your follow up scan?
Wednesday is my next scan so not too long to wait but it is sure dragging. The constant worry about whether I'll see blood every toilet visit is just unbearable. Trying to keep busy and take my other two children out and about. Went for a walk today and my lower back is suffering for it big time, just not sure whether that's a sign of oncoming miscarriage? No spotting or bleeding or abdominal pain still so I'm remaining hopeful. Will keep this thread updated whatever the outcome. Reading everyone's stories and experiences has been so helpful xx
This happened to me and sadly it wasn't good news. I would say, if you are unsure of your dates, keep positive and see what happens at the next scan.

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I hope time passes quickly for you and it is good news on Wednesday.
Thankyou everyone. So far still no bleeding or pain, but I won't be keeping my hopes up. Will post up on Wednesday the outcome xx
It was me who had an early scan and they didnt see anything. I was sure my dates were 2 weeks less than LMP but obv they didnt believe me. at 5 weeks we saw a sac and a yolk sac and then 10 days later we saw an embryo with HB. Good luck with the scan
This has happened to me twice, once ended in mc. And this time i went at 6 weeks and saw baby tiny dot but no HB yet, she said it could just be too early, went back at 7+3 I think and their she was was flickering away!!

Did she see the yolk and baby? X
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Aww what amazing news to have! Especially after losing your first aswell, what a relief. I haven't got a clue what she saw, she didn't say anything to me, she was gonna let me leave the room without even mentioning baby, I had to ask her myself if baby was ok and she then said there was no heartbeat and that was all she told me.. all my questions went out the window as soon as I heard that just from the shock of being told with little to no empathy at all. I'll be making sure to ask everything this Wednesday xx
Bleeding has started today with small clots so not looking hopeful. Shall still go to the scan 2moro but not betting on it being good news xx

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