No energy

Tiny Sue

Well-Known Member
May 26, 2005
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Hi gals,

6 weeks today! Has anyone else felt like this - no energy, climbing the stairs or putting on the shoes is an effort, very weak when hungry, and hungry a lot? Sometimes quite dizzy and my blood pressure ( I have a machine since the first preg when I had high BP) has taken a dive.

I am worried that this is not normal.

You know I went to see a nutritionist and am trying to eat right and have done so in the last while. I thought the constant hunger was abating until today. I've just had a huge bowl of stew, an apple and two slices of toast and I'm still hungry as I would be before my dinner normally!

I weighed myself this morning and I've lost 2 pounds. I also get some nausea in the morning but have no vomiting thank God.

I didn't feel like this with Naomi, but I'm wondering. Is this just because it's my third pregnancy? The doc did say that if I was carrying a boy my symptoms might be more pronounced. Since I'm over 35, was on fertility drugs (Tamox) etc am I carrying twins?

Just wondering if anyone has experience of second and third pregnancies being totally different to the first?

*goes out to find something else to eat...*

I have felt the tiredness in the early weeks more with every pregnancy (i'm having no.4 :D )

I think it must have somethng to do with running after other kids while pregnant. I do seem to be more tired when I was pregnant with boys tho :roll:

Can i just say Naomi is a fantastic name (it's mine too :wave: :dance: :dance: ) good choice haha x
I thought so :D

It just seemed to fit her perfectly even before she was born. We hadn't found out what we were having but I was so sure she was a girl...

Thanks for the advice's a help when it's been so long since the first time, to have someone around to remind you!

your welcome. :D

It suits me perfectly too, (it spells i moan backwards!! lol) :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Yes very common to feel like that in 1st Tri, I used to have 2 hour afternoon naps, everyday!

It does get better, and then worse again towards end of 2nd Tri!

I hear in Tri 3 its worse still :D
Well, Ellebelle, the last time I went through a third trimester I felt great, it was everyone else who was telling me I wasn't!

I just don't remember feeling like this with Naomi - I was tired but not this tired and definitely not this hungry all the time! And NO morning sickness really unless you count being really sick just once cos I had an apple that had a worm in it... :puke:

So - I guess I just hang in there and stop worrying, right?

Just wish I could tell for sure what was going on in there *prods tum* How many of you are in there?

When i was about 6-7 weeks i really felt like a big fat slob all i wanted to do was sit and do nowt, like u said walking up the stairs was like walking up a mountain and if i wasnt in bed by 9pm i would be crying cos i was so tired, i think all ur feeling is normal hun :hug:
Hey Tiny Sue!

This is my second pregnancy and with my first I did feel sick but not THIS SICK! I had it at about 9 weeks and it wasnt for long where as this time I have felt ill from about 2 weeks after I got my BFP and its ALL DAY NAUSEA horrible!!!! :( :( :( :( :(

Also I think ive felt less tired? But that will probably all change.

As for the hunger thing I get ravenous and I have to eat all the time to try and prevent myself feeling sick, if I dont thats it I get so nauseous!

As they say every pregnancy is different :D
Im glad that we are all suffering together it makes me feel more normal.I had no probs with my son-he's nearly 8, but this time im knackered, headachey, sicky feelings, off certain foods and i look so tired with big bags under my eyes-hate it.Hoping i will get the 2nd tri glow in a couple of weeks!!!!!

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