From sick to starving!


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2008
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:shock: I have to eat everything in site Im sooo hungry! Things will fill me for a hour or two then Im needing food again!

Is everyone else like this at the moment Im ment to only be 8-9weeks but sickness has finnished and now Im soooo hungry!
I'm the same :hug: Before, I used to buy one packet of crisps and a banana for lunch, now I'll have 2 bananas, a box of grapes to snack on and a few (yes, a few lol) packets of crisps for the afternoon!

I'm eating little and often. If I have a big dinner, I know I'll be hungry again within half an hour!

Also, do you find that you are either full up or starving? There's no inbetween!

i was/am the same, couldnt eat much before 8 weeks but since then i'm an eating machine!! cant believe how quickly i'm getting hungry again
Yep, feeling hungry all the time. I just want little snacks more than anything.

Can't eat too much bread cos of my IBS otherwise I'd be living on toast and crisps if I had my way. I'm trying to eat fruit etc...I know once the first tri is over I'll be back to my healthy eating habits but for now I'm going with my body.

Yehhhh Im either sooo full that I wanna be sick or Im soo hungry I feel sick heheee. I ate a HUGE bag of onion rings the other day! Like those familly size bags :oops: It was sooooo good though ohh and 3fish fingers and 3 vegtable samosas all at once yesterday....Im gonna get uber fat! :D
I used to have alternate days - one day I wouldn't be to hungry, the next I would eat anything in sight! :rotfl: Now I'm mostly just doing the eating part of that. But even if I have put on weight, it'll be months before anyone notices :D

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