No early scan for me yet :(


Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2010
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As some of you may know I was planning on ringing the Doctor's on Monday morning to try andget referred to the EPU s the almost constant brownish discharge is geting me down :(

Anyway, Monday morning I got up, went to the loo and it ws bright red blood.. not so good. I rang the midwife, who told me to ring the GP which I did and he rang me back about half an hour later.

Apparently it's too early for me to go tto the EPU at around 5 weeks or so, they wouldn't scan me as there'd be nothing to see. The advice was to wait a week, if there's lots more bleeding then we all know whats happened.. but if it wears off then ring back and get a scan in a week or so.

Great huh?? I just wanted a scan to see if I was still pg or not.. didn't expect to see hb or anything, but thought they might have seen if there was a clot or something to explain the bleeding and discharge.. or that I'm not pg any more. Surely they could have seen that??

At the mo, bleeding has was pretty much just that one time yesterday when I went to the loo, back to the 'normal' (for me at least!) browny stuff. Peed on a stick yesterday and it was a good positive, nice clear line that came up super fast, so that's a good sign I guess? Also feeling a bit sick still, but that could be worry lol.

Am on bedrest for a week, but have decided 'sofa and tv' rest is pretty much the same :D
Have also been looking into the use of aspirin for prevention of mc... anyone know any more about this? Apparently low dose aspirin (75mg) is thought to help prevent mc by increasing blood flow to baby.. might start new thread on this..

So, just an update on where I'm at really.. still worried, but holding on to hope :D xxx
Ring your doctor back and ask for blood tests, thats what my EPU did whn I was 5 weeks, gave me a bloodtestm then a second one two days later to check HCG levels, don't let them make you wait a week :hug:
deffo kick there arses!! they booked me in for a scan a week later they can do the same with you!!
Heheh thanks girls :D I'm not really in an arsekicking mood today lol. Am quite happy snuggled up in my pyjamas in front of the telly.

I've pretty much resigned myself to the fact that it is just a waiting game. If I get the blood tests that'll confirm that I'm still pg (which I think I am.. at the mo anyway.. still very up and down!) but it won't really set my mind at rest too much as to whether things are ok or not.

The doc seemed to think that I'll get a scan pretty much as soon as I ask for one next week as I'll be getting on for 6 weeks and at least with a scan they can see what's going on, so I think that'll be more beneficial to me, as I'll get much more info than I wuld from blood tests. It's the not knowing what's going on that drives me nuts!

If I am going to mc again, there's nothing anyone can do about it, it's going to happen whether I have scans or blood tests or not. And this pg was always going to be stressful after last time.. I think I'm just going to have to get used to worrying and waiting.

Thanks for your kind words girls.. it really does help me to figure out how I feel.. posting on here and reading your replies. Much love :hug: xxx
I agree with getting bloods done, but only when you feel up to it. I have learnt not to let them fob you off, won't let that happen again. Fingers crossed all goes well hun x

Thinking of you :hugs:
Good luck - I hope everythign goes ok for you honey!


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