No baby in scan?


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2006
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Hi all

I started to bleed lightly at 9 weeks while we were on holiday in Germany, the hospital did an internal scan but the doctor didn't speak any english and the nurse only a little. They said there was no baby, but at that point I hadn't bled very much so I don't understand - was I never pregnant in the first place?

Also they said I would need an operation when I get home but I'm now bleeding heavier so does that mean I won't? And do I go to my doctor or ring a midwife or A&E? Sorry for all the questions its just difficult when we couldn't communicate with the doctor.

I think you should go to A&E asap and explain what happened and that they said things in Germany but you didn't understand, and now you are bleeding much more heavily... If you have an EPU, go there and speak to them. You will need a scan hun because you don't know whats happening inside...

I'm so sorry for your loss, it must have been awful being in a country where you didn't understand the language... :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
It wasn't great :(

I just rang NHS Direct and the nurse says that as long as am not bleeding heavily (at the moment its less than a normal period and I have quite light periods) and no pain then go to docs in the morning, if pain or heavier bleeding then A&E. She said doctor will likely refer me to ob/gyn and they will do another scan and decide what to do next from there.
:hug: im so sorry for your loss, it must have been terrible being on holiday at the time too.
I think you should go to a&e that way there is a good chance they will scan you today but if you and see your dr you will have to wait longer by the time he refers you for a scan. You dont have to phone them just go to a&e and explain what has happened, good luck, if they confirm a m/c they will be able to tell you if you need to have a surgical removal its called dilation and curettage or d&c.
Thank you all. You have all been so supportive, when I found out I was pregnant it was a shock (although a lovely one for us both) and this place was invaluable just to read through other peoples comments and experience and now the same with our miscarriage.

Been to doctor and then to ob/gyn unit today. Had examinations and a scan which showed a foetal sac and (I think they said) further fluid still in my womb, another scan tomorrow to check things further. After our hospital visit I have started with mild period pains so I think things are working themselves out naturally. I found the examination really difficult and it has made me feel very down. although the doctors and nurses have all been very kind.
I am so sorry for your loss, especially having been in a foreign country at the time :hug: :hug:

Hope you physically feel better soon :hug:
hiya hun sorry i missed this
did you have anougher scan?
how are you feeling today?
manda xx
Hi Manda, how are you? Everything OK I hope?

I did have another scan and it showed the baby stopped developing at around 5 weeks which was heartbreaking because that is when we found out so all the time we were so excited our baby had already left us. I'm going back to hospital next Tuesday and if things haven't worked themselves out they will give me an ERPC because that will be 2 weeks of bleeding. They did offer me one immediately but I would rather not have a GA if possible.

Yesterday was a difficult day, the pregnant ladies when we went for our scan, then another couple going through the same thing but clearly only just found out and hearing them sitting crying in gyn waiting room until the nurses moved them to a private room. The doctor repeatedly asking if we understood what had happened despite having the notes of our gyn consultation the day before.

Anyway, we're slowing coming to terms with things and family and friends have been so supportive, as has everyone on here :hug:
Oh hon, im really sorry to hear about the loss I guess its good you know whats happened but even then nothing makes it any less painful.

You take it easy...
I'm still bleeding, was due back at work today and back at hospital for a check up tomorrow but last night was awful, I was sweating and freezing cold at the same time, typical that I start to feel rough the one night my OH has had to go away. This morning my face feels hot and I feel headachey. I know I'm being paranoid but I'm off to the docs at 9.30 as they kept telling us to be careful of any signs of infection.
good luck at the dr's today hope you feel better soon :hug:
Thankfully just a throat infection starting, was worth going to put my mind at rest though. Doctor says to be expected as will be a bit run down.

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