No AF, is it too early to expect a visit...?


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2010
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I think I am going totally mad!!

As you know I miscarried on 6th March, my usual cycles are 31 days so I hoped I would have AF on 6th April. I had cramps like AF was coming on 5th and even more on 6th April, but it feels very much like the cramps I had during the last pregnancy that I miscarried. I am still getting aches and mild cramps on and off, and it seems to be more left sided like it was last time (although this time i have also had some cramps on the other side), please god I hope i am not having another ectopic, I was pretty lucky last time as I managed to pass everything naturally and didn't have to have tube removed. Thank god, as its the only healthy one I have left!!

The pain is milder than last time and it is more obvious when I stand up from sitting and when I bend to sit down. I took a pg test yesterday and it was negative, although I didnt get a positive until i was 4 days late for AF last time, which would be tomorrow for me assuming normal cycle. I am going to test tomorrow i think with FMU and see what happens.

tbh I just want my bloody period to come and then i know whats going on!!!

Sorry for the rant, just feeling cack!
Hey hon. I mc on 28 Jan and got AF again on 24 Feb if that helps. If ur getting pain post a mc it might be worth calling the EPU for some advice - my EPU told me to call them if I got any pain at all. That said if you think it's no worse than AF cramps then I guess just wait and see if AF or BFP. Hope u feel ok soon and good look for a BFP tomorrow if you are hoping for one xxxxx
if your worried hun call hospital and see what they say they might ask you to come in to make sure you aint having another ectopic pregnancy.. good luck testing tomorrow hope you get your BFP! xx
If your worried at all about ectopic and lots of pain like you had before, with you only having the one tube I would def check it out, even if they just might say its fine - for your peace of mind.

If more like AF then might help you to know this month is a really painful one, crampy for me, first one after MC / D&C on 12th and period arrived on wed 7th (26 days, when I am normall 28 days).

Hope it settles down soon,AF arrives and you can get back to normal X
I did an IC test this morning and it looks like a very faint positive, took one two days ago and it was a definate BFN. It's a bit like the faint positive I got last time, then I took a Cbdigi and got pregnant - think I may go out and grab a brand test. No pain today, feelin quite good - obv still no AF but I can't say I feel pregnant, boobs aren't sore, just come out in a good few spots but that's it. We haven't been specifically trying this month but I suppose we haven't done too much to prevent it.

I would post a pic if I knew how to do from my iPhone, is there any way of doing this? X
I did an IC test this morning and it looks like a very faint positive, took one two days ago and it was a definate BFN. It's a bit like the faint positive I got last time, then I took a Cbdigi and got pregnant - think I may go out and grab a brand test. No pain today, feelin quite good - obv still no AF but I can't say I feel pregnant, boobs aren't sore, just come out in a good few spots but that's it. We haven't been specifically trying this month but I suppose we haven't done too much to prevent it.

I would post a pic if I knew how to do from my iPhone, is there any way of doing this? X

You got "pregnant" on a digi? I think congratulations are in order!! :dance:
No, no I was talking about my last pregnancy - at this stage last time I got pregnant on a digi. I am gonna nip out and get a brand test to see if I get a positive - I don't trust the IC's!!
No, no I was talking about my last pregnancy - at this stage last time I got pregnant on a digi. I am gonna nip out and get a brand test to see if I get a positive - I don't trust the IC's!!

Oh my goodness I'm so sorry!! :x:oooo:
good luck hun.

got my fingers crossed for you.

Well did a Tesco hpt yesterday and it was a BFN, so not looking good but still no AF!

This morning though I had a little bit of pink discharge on wiping and I have had nothing else all day. No pains - nothing!

I didn't get implantation bleed with Grace or with the second pregnancy when I miscarried so I am thinking that the witch is lurking around the corner. In a way I just want my period to come so I know whats going on with my body.

If I don't get AF for another week then I think I will do another test, I should have had a period really by next week - EPU told me it could be up to 6 weeks as I miscarried naturally so if I don't have anything by about 20th April then somethings going on!!!

I haven't been checking ovulation, just can't be bothered with it all until I get AF then I will start from there.
Well looks like AF has arrived, really glad tbh means my body is getting back to normal.

Here's to this month!!

Laura x
Sorry the witch got you Laura but at least you can move forward and carry on TTC this month! xx

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