nipple tweaking and braxton hicks


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2006
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there is a connection. :clap:

Get hubby to tweak your nipples for about half and hour and this stimulates your womb into contracting.

Hubby was more than happy to do this throughout the duration of Red Dragon last night God love him. I had braxton hick after braxton hick.

I thought this might be of interest to all those out there (hevwithbump) who have not experienced a braxton hick yet.

:D :D :D
i hate my nipples being touched at the mo :twisted: lol
Me too! They are so sensitive and painful!
Ooo good idea, I'm not sure weather ive experienced one yet or not...i thought i had before but it always resulted in me needing a number 2 lol :oops: it may have just been that!
having some rumpy pumpy and a golden moment results in one for deffo :shock: Not that i would know of course :rotfl: :rotfl: xx
after a "golden moment" my belly goes rock hard and hurts is that a braxton hick?
All you ladies and your "golden moments" are just so polite! :rotfl:
do Braxton hicks hurt? i'm not sure weather ive had one ot not :(
I didn't have to do anything to bring braxton hicks on, I had loads of them from about 21 weeks onwards.
lol @ hev :rotfl: ive had several myself they dont really hurt just goes really hard and like an ache for a while takes about 30 secs to a minute to wear off, i sometimes get them if i been walking about for long periods of time or if i lay down/get up too quick. xx
I don't think I have had any. Am I supposed to get them by now?
skatty said:
I don't think I have had any. Am I supposed to get them by now?

I havn't had any yet either, well we probably have. Braxton hicks contractions start at week 6 of your pregnancy but because they are so weak we don't feel them until late pregnancy.

But I still havnt felt one yet :wall:
My belly doesn't go rock hard as some people's but i do get dull aching period like pain down there & its getting stronger as i get futher on, but i very rarely get them, maybe once or twice. Are these Braxton Hicks?
Miracle babe said:
Is it ok if you tweak them yourself?

LOL :rotfl: LOL :rotfl: LOL

Sorry that sounded funny hehe!

I was wondering this also though :oops: My OH doesn't like to touch mine since they started to leak lol!
If I'm honest I like to sit and tweak them myself when I'm sat bored in the evening, plus its fun seeing if you can get them to leak :oops:

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